On the bus ride to the Post Offfice I saw Deer by the Broken Owl Oak..where I saw my first Owl and took pic with the 3x...so walked back and got a pic with the 3x!...left the 12x at home...it was snowing...and snowed all afternoon...two Coyotes out in Cook's Meadow...when I got to the Woodpecker Tree Hawk flew off...again!!..flying through the snow to Black Oak Row along the road on the other side of the meadow...I sat awhile on the log by Woodpecker Tree...watching Coyote...and to see if Hawk would take off...snow coming down really nice...the Falls up in the clouds...continued walk over to Creek's End...sat awhile at Owl Log...then made my way along the Merced back to Last Chance for late lunch...saw indominitable Ouzels!...took clips and pics...after lunch went out to the Creek and on arriving came upon the Deer House Deer...10 Does and Fawns and one Antleered Buck...Broken Antleer was out with herd yesterday evening..and has both sides broken off now...had to slide down the diversion dam boulders...couldn't see where to step...and just came to a stop in the Creek and sat..taking the Deer clips and pics...they're all blurry and fuzzy because of the snow and fading light and the 3x clips are low res...which I thought might go up easier..but it's taking a long time!...saw paw print of either Coyote or Bobcat...and have the thought tomorrow to look for prints...crossed the Creek and made my way past the Deer House and along Cook's and back across to try and pick up the Deer...could have followed their tracks but went instead to Owl Log and sat...and waited...and heard Owl over in the Deer House Oaks...just sat and listened...then went out to Cook's again..almost dark...and Owl flew by overhead and perched on the top of the same Cedar that I have clip of Owl taking off...it's snowing...almost dark...screeeech!...and Owl spread it's wings out to maintain it's balance... a wonder!...at Sentinel they were diverting traffic...a rock slide I felt has blocked one road...somewhere over by Three Brothrs...lots of neat sounds...tree branches breaking off...snow falling in water...avalanches..Raven...Ouzel..Blue Jay...Junco...and Owl.