Saturday, June 30, 2007

Two Robins

Walked along the creek early this morning. Then to the Post Office, and then back to sleep after riding the bus back.

Blue Joint

I found some of the pioneer writing, this by Bunnel, about the Flora, and have the thought to put together the names with the photos. People wrote well in the 19th century. I think the pic is Blue Joint. From four or five days ago. Got out for five minutes today but camera battery low.


Along the river banks and bordering the meadows are found the wild rose, and where the soil is rich, dry and mellow, the wild sunflower grows luxuriantly. Of wild fruits, the red raspberry and strawberry are the only ones worthy of mention, and these are only found in limited quantities. A thornless red raspberry grows upon the mountains, but its blossoms are apt to be nipped by frosts and the plant is not a prolific bearer.
The meadows of the valley are generally moist, and in the springtime boggy. Later in the season they become firmer, and some parts of them where not in possession of sedges, afford an abundant growth of "wild Timothy;" blue joint, Canada red-top and clover. In addition to these nutritious meadow-grasses, there is growing on the coarse granite, sandy land, a hard, tough wire bunch grass unfit for grazing except when quite young. This grass is highly prized by the Indians for making baskets and small mats. Its black seeds were pulverized and used as food, by being converted into mush, or sometimes it was mixed with acorn meal and was then made into a kind of gruel. The common "brake" and many beautiful species of rock ferns and mosses are quite abundant in the shady parts of the valley, and in the canñons, and more especially are they found growing within the influence of the cool, moist air near the falls. Growing in the warm sunlight below El Capitan, may be seen plants common among the foot hills and slaty mountains. Of these plants, the manzanita, the bahia confertiflora and the California poppy are the most conspicuous.
The Flora of the Region of the Yosemite--General Description of the Valley and its Principal Points of Interest, with their Heights


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Blue and White Flower

Didn't get out. Hooked up new TV. This pic from the other day.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Scruffy Robin

Didn't get out today. This from two days ago.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Artificial Rock Shore

The shore of the creek is "shored" with rocks like an ocean breakwater. This was done a long time ago as the rocks are grey and have covering of lichen. It's not like this a lot, and in places erosion has caused some trees to tumble. Tenaya Creek has some of these rocks too by the bridges. Off hand, I cant picture where the Merced has a bank like this in the Valley.

Creek Bridge

See today's Tree in the Door post. The 12x blocks out badly, I think, when the pic is a mix of strong shade and light...Lost Arrow is lost in the white sky. This is the oldest bridge I think in the park. I was disappointed to learn the stones are only a facade. I had meticulously drawn them for several paintings, to the point I can make up how they go together. I too harshly judge a lot of other Valley artists on how well they render these stones!! The tunnels, and even the Tuolumne Bridge, have the same pattern work, which I think very cool. The new Sentinel Bridge is tasteless.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

White Flower

Didn't get out today. This pic from two days ago.

Tall Yellow Flower

Walked about a little bit. Saw a duck and took a pic and video. Some new flowers blooming.

Oh, I thought of my old poem...

A poem


Strawberry Creek amost dry,
And yellow tiger swallowtails,
Singly, sometimes briefly two,
Wander among the grey boulders,
And white alders full of new green leaves.

I've thought many times to just change Strawberry to Yosemite Creek. It's, it's thirty years old or so, and is about a creek in Idyllwild, CA. It dries up in June, much like the creek here is now.

"new green leaves" has to change, but it's such an old poem I leave it...

Friday, June 22, 2007

Orange Butterfly

From yesterday. Didn't get out today.

Solstice Deer

Finally a deer. I've seen them all about, but none of late near the cabin. I dont like to get too close to them, the tourists do, kinda like paparazi. One animal fatality in the park was from a deer. Actually, I think maybe some rattlesnakes have gotten some, but that's the standard story to keep people back from the deer, and allay their fears of the bears!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


A patch of turf in the creek. Didn't get out, 'cept to the post office. Pic from a couple days ago.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Eaten Pine Cone

I dont know which critter ate this cone, and a bunch of others lying about...this from the other day (back and forth to dentist in Mariposa last two days). I've never seen a squirrel take one apart like this, so I'm guessing a raccoon...but maybe it was a squirrel. I haven't seen any tracks, except for the frogs, and a dog I think, in the creek bank, which has been dissappointing. I do know a critter was able to grab some trash from the overstuffed tiki can and drag it off to the creek. I keep meaning to take a trash bag with to pick things up.

I read yesterday in the SF Chronicle of a new laser device that, on the very small scale, works like a disntegrater ray, and has no heat. It was for very tiny applications, but as it was borrowed from the military I imagine they have bigger ones. One that could molecularize trash without heat would be nice.

People? Not so nice...

Monday, June 18, 2007

Small Blue Butterfly

This pic from yesterday. A tourist family outfront were looking high up at the cedar tree describing the "rainbow bird" (it's colors: orange, yellow) that was singing.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Flower Immigrant

Well, one of the flowers not native to the Valley survived (earlier around and about the backyard non native plants had been uprooted). I didn't have the heart to pull it's very pretty!

Bloggers got a new video upload, see if I can place the Temple of the Tiki Trash Can's outflow pipe....I'm sure it's just clean water...I'm sure.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Long day, journey to Madera for friends' wedding. A fine day, but the long drive has made me sleepy.

This pic from a few days ago.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Blue Flower

From a couple days ago. Didn't get out, didn't get enough sleep!! Itenerate neighbors...

Mountain Misery

Bit by bit I'll learn the names, maybe even the long unpronouncables! This pic from a few days back, a bee in the "bear clover". Lot of thorns. Didn't get out today at all!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Yellow Flower

From a couple days ago. Didn't get out and about today.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Fuzzy Flower

Walk to the Post Office, bikeride to Curry for dinner, a nap inbetween. Obata's art is in the museum, best show I've seen.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Ragged Butterfly

There were some butterflies like this one on my Four Mile hike today (took the bus back down!), and I skipped taking their pics as they all had ragged wings. I dont know, are the birds getting to them?, or they are late in their season. They hold still, and I'd like to get a pic of whole one. This pic from two days ago.

Wading Bird

Didn't get out today, this pic from two days ago by the creek.

Off tomorrow, and plan to go up Four Mile. Thought to go to Tuolumne, but maybe Teusday there and a hike back.

Saturday, June 9, 2007


On one of the outback walks I saw a frog in a small inlet to the creek, an inlet that happens to be where an outflow pipe from the Trask Can Tiki Temple ends. I tried then to take a pic but it dove under some submerged roots. Little bird told me to keep trying, and today the frog oblidged, sitting on the bank enjoying the sunshine

Shooting Star

Pics a bit fuzzy, low batteries. (It's a Columbine, not a shooting star!)

Friday, June 8, 2007


Bef0re work I take walk outback to find a pic or two dragonflies. Have to get a dragonfly book to identify them. At least they rest and hold still, unlike the butterflies which seem to never light!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Blue Jay on Cedar Bark

This jay, a bit blurry, has a cedar seed in its beak. Incense cedars hearabouts may actually be a species of cypress?? Heard that, and have to has foilage like a cypress...well, tomorrow I'll get pic of it's foilage!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Creek

Yosemite Creek of course doesn't begin at the Lower Falls, but up there where I was yesterday, where 120 crosses it, near Mt. Hoffman/May Lake. It's a fine hike from there back down to the Valley. This view taken a few days ago out back. Was in Mariposa all day...missed the rain shower.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Red Flower

Went up to Tuolumne today for the afternoon...this pic from a few days ago...the flash went off. Long day, too sleepy to think!

Flower by Creek

A flower pic from a couple days ago. Took one pic today of a termite ridden log!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Flowers and Falls

Didn't get out 'cept to Post Office. Took only this pic.

Flower in the Backyard

I'm not sure if this flowering plant is native to the Valley. Near the sewage treatment facility the forest undergrowth is lush, like the forest along the Northern California cost...well, not that lush, but very unlike most of the Valley's floor. But this is near the creek, and maybe that's the reason, and not a "things are greener over the septic tank"!! The plant is on the facility.