Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Remember the Panay

Open To Interpretation

Conservation of Apophenia

Noun Verb 

Matter Energy


I left off at last post with Pereidolia, which morphed into Apophenia, and I haven't left it at all...part of it, is that Incidents, like the Panay Incident, are surreal, like a face seen in the clouds...pattern recognition...much of the blogs from the first, which was my Panay Blog on Geocities, has been about that, but I didn't have the vocabulary: apophenia, paradelia...those words have connected up to all manner of things...my double words, touch touch, and such, express, and this way way back, like 1972 for me...I took note that nouns and verbs interchange in double words, hear hear, and if one dwells on them, slows slow perception until the feel and sense of a word shows, the face in the clouds...well, it's the knack of reading writing poems...prose can't grasp it...almost like a poem isn't even words read, but the stuff of words felt...there's a whole bunch of stuff I've been gathering around this, and for sometime arrangement...meanwhile, Ohtani has become a Dodger...dodger dodger... 

