Saturday, March 26, 2022

Checkpoint/one poem/notes/3/26/2022

Happy Birthday Robert Frost

one poem

Border Checkpoint







DolphinWords much to note!, since last post...back in January...but baseball season is back on track, and I'll return to my step fret dig...first pitch first at bat first inning Ohtani wapped a home run in Spring Training today against the White Sox...over the while, I've written poems, short ones, odd ones!, the one above one, but refrained  from posting them to the web...publications invite submissions, but one can't have posted them to the web, or some, I used the word "embroidery" in one of them written in my notepad, and unposted,, and doggone if pages about embroidery didn't show up in my google algo food, soh, the "web" spiders know all I do, and all is web published in a fashion at the drop of a be sure to be really out there, on there, I have to post, but everything of everyone is collected, though those collections problematic to peruse!...who do?... you do... what!?...anyway, those poems I want to publish with kindle in the fashion they find suitable...held back some story stuff too; and from the blog, and facebook, stuff I let loose in in youtube vlog comments "stays in youtube!"...I compose in notepads...or in online comment those back to notes...the fashion I do those, I've yet to find the like...twitter's brief format is the fashion in the vlog comments comments have like a narrative that allies to THE narrative...sometimes too closely for concidence, I think, and unthink that!...who is to say, how it all is, the songs I mean, that come over the radio...?

