Thursday, November 29, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
Out and about early with all the gear loaded into Silver, and rolled down the Hill....expectation was to leave Silver at the Garage for like days to get the DW fixed...stayed up until like three am reading web accounts...dont know but soon someone will put together a book, if not already...anyway, no DW on the roll down!....this was a bookend of the no stall on the rolldown a couple weeks ago...and once again, somewhat chagrined, I rolled up to the sevice manager at the reserved time (one must have a reserved time!), and said, 'it's okay now, cancel my appointment'...hmmph...had whole day ahead free, and Silver okay so long as fingers crossed it seems, and I would have gone far afield somewhere, but, so, did go out to Merced Wildlife Refuge...where on arrival Fog burned off... and made a circut...pic up of Egrit....some more pics for likely tomorrowpost with more report...fog to sunny hazy cool...on return, stopped in Town for Lunch, and drive, and yet another waterproof camera, this one by nikon, and inexpensive, and nearly the perfect shape and configuration to digi scope with the spotting scope, which is nearly superfluous now, as on opposite side of the counter was canon's new 50x...that's 1200 mm in 35mm world!...point and shoot...and it was sold out...I've sometimes thought of trading in Silver for canon's 500 mm red ring lens, but have had a suspicion that these point and shoots are growing longer and longer lenses! has a 45x....actually, myself, I've come to the opinion that wildlife photogs should use nothing longer than a 300mm...anything longer and one is too far away to understand what Critters are about...but 50x...sheesh...back at the Valley, paddled back to Creek's End for Moon Over Halfdome Evening...there is really only one of these each month, and I made a point of getting back, and glad to, as I thought I'd be stuck in Maripose overnight!....Three Brothers, Bucks, and Two Does, crossed River thereabout...tried to get clip with pan to Moon at end...Moon was over Washington Column from that vantage, and behind Cottonwoods....for sometime post...picked up and hurried to the Ponderosa With the View of Half Dome, and did better...for sometime...the 50x is more 'lens' than 'camera'....and as I've noted before, someday photogs will go about with a gear bag of digital lenses--basically all in one digiscopes....
Saturday, November 24, 2012
RedBreasted Sapsucker
Returning from Village errands, heard Hawk, Redshoulder, calling from the Bobcat Meadow Oaks...Bluebirds thereabout too...Hawk flew to the Elm...too faraway pics and clip...continued around to near the Lily Pad Pond...Little Birds about in the River side Apple Trees...and RedBreasted Sapsucker on what must be Sapsuckers Favorite Tree!...sunny blueblue cool...clip of Buck by the Cabin....
Sometime sightings: Kingfisher on the Fallen Cedar one Morning...clip and pic from the vantage of the Cottonwoods...second Kingfisher came along and Both Kingfishers flewby and around downriver....another time, Kingfisher perched on the Fallen Sawn Off Log, right at the end...tried for pic...but just faraways....
One evening while taking clips of Bats at Ozone Beach, from the Log under the Cottonwoods, Owl flew through the Bats, and around downriver and perched in Pine...all I could see was Owl in sillhoutte, and tried for pics, and then realized Owl was being reflected in the Merced...tried very hard for pic!...memory pic will have to do....these sightings back in mid October...oh...saw Raccoon tonight on the Back Dock...about once a week I see Raccoon thereabout, or by the Cabin...
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Out and about early...Mama Doe, Two Fawns, and Young Doe by the Fig Tree in the Backyard...first part of clip....continued back to the Creek and through the Woods...quiet...Kingfisher Two Top Pine Meadow, Pileated call...Acorn Woodpeckers, Ravens, Blue Jay...thought I glimpsed Coyote or Bobcat near the River by Swinging Bridge...very close going behind a Pine...looked and looked, but no luck, and much puzzzled! Last Chance for Breakfast...much crowded, and asked to come in early to work!...stepping outside, coffee in hand, heard Hawk, scree scree, Cedar, and then calling louder when mobbed by Ravens...didn't sight...lots of Ravens about...continued back to Cabin, and another Mama Doe and Two Fawns, by the Rooms...middle part of clip...and then Two Fawns and Young Doe arrived under the Trees beside the part of clip...and Young Buck thereabout too...looked up, and sighted Mama Doe approaching on the Road...scurried!, and set the coffee down, which fell over, and then dropped the new waterproof camera, 'clunk' didn't work at first, but came on, and was able to get final clip, which is very cool!...sunny blueblue cool...Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Out and about early...Mama Doe, Two Fawns, and Young Doe by the Fig Tree in the Backyard...first part of clip....continued back to the Creek and through the Woods...quiet...Kingfisher Two Top Pine Meadow, Pileated call...Acorn Woodpeckers, Ravens, Blue Jay...thought I glimpsed Coyote or Bobcat near the River by Swinging Bridge...very close going behind a Pine...looked and looked, but no luck, and much puzzzled! Last Chance for Breakfast...much crowded, and asked to come in early to work!...stepping outside, coffee in hand, heard Hawk, scree scree, Cedar, and then calling louder when mobbed by Ravens...didn't sight...lots of Ravens about...continued back to Cabin, and another Mama Doe and Two Fawns, by the Rooms...middle part of clip...and then Two Fawns and Young Doe arrived under the Trees beside the part of clip...and Young Buck thereabout too...looked up, and sighted Mama Doe approaching on the Road...scurried!, and set the coffee down, which fell over, and then dropped the new waterproof camera, 'clunk' didn't work at first, but came on, and was able to get final clip, which is very cool!...sunny blueblue cool...Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Out and about in the Afternoon....woke up from a dream about monsters making a low rumbling sound--in the Frontyard, the Road repaving is in progress from sunup to sundown--shakes the ground with a low sound at the edge of hearing Elephant would appreciate!--and a good excuse to be out and about!...hopped on the Bike, and peddled over to the Village...picked up lunch--ham sandwich, hersheys, cranberryapple drink, honey roasted peanuts, fruit cup....quietquietquiet...Ravens...Little Bird at the Backpackers Camp...oh...last leg of Critter Day Count is the Path over to A Rooms, to the Backpackers Camp, Mirror Lake Junction, back to the Pony Path, over to Happy Isles, to Siberia, to the A Meadow, and Village...still Light, so went out to Bobcat Meadow and sat and snacked on the Long Fallen Ponderosa, where I haven't sat awhile in awhile!...hmmph...Blue Bird, Flicker call thereabout...Deer in the A Meadow, and while doing clip, Hawk, Redtail flyby, almost a good clip!, and Hawk flew to the A Bungalows and perched in Oak...pic up...pic of Half Dome from thereabout...B&W seemed to suit the pic!...before Hawk, pic of the rollabout was from clip of Chickaree at the Bridge on Mirror Lake Road...friend has made book of all the Bridges--watercolors, in the Valley, and Wawona too, which is on the explore sometime list...around the Outside Loop, following the fading Terrific Light...Mama Doe and Two Fawns at Ozone Beach...Bucks thereabout too...and Raven back at the Cabin..see clip....sunny blueblue cool...Nuthatch I heard Yesterday...Pileated near the A Meadow today...notably not sighted: Ouzel and White Headed Woodpecker...Nuthatch was trapped in friends dorm room a few days back...
Warbler Clip is Raven....out and about for Critter Count Days...thought was to continue from the Village, this Morning's too!, but instead of taking Shuttle to the Village, I walked the Path...Kingisher at Creek Bridge, and followed into the Falls Delta, and from there took the Rocky Slope Trail to the Village...quiet...Little Birds, Church Bowl hoped to sight Bobcat...and all along walk too!...errands in Village...pic came from friend of Tunnel View, and with that in one hand, thought to return to Cabin...sat awhile under the Oaks in Bobcat Meadow...Little Birds about...Blue Birds, Warblers....picked up lunch at Last Chance, and left it, somewhere...Bobcat sighting by the Old Wellness Center...but no pics, just a glimpse...Mama Doe and Two Fawns charged out of the Trees by Ozone Beach--how I sighted Bobcat...that, and the Ravens calling...followed but no luck, then retraced my steps, looking for lunch! luck...sat a long while at Ozone Beach...then out to Two Top Pine Meadow...Hawk, Cedar, flew to the Cottonwood...faraway pics...oh...heard Pileated by the Deer House, and high flyover at Ozone...continued around to the Chapel, across Chapel Bridge, and again through Lower Falls--fourth time for the Day!..photogs and Oak pic...picked up snack at Last Chance, again, and back to Ozone Beach to sit under the Cottonwoods...Blue Heron flew to the Snags at Cottonwood Bend...faraway pics...followed, but Heron flew off Downriver...continued to Creek's End...quiet...Phoebe came by, Two Point Buck clip...have some pics and clips for sometime...sunny blueblue, a few of those days that goes on and on, and one wants to linger here and there....
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Beaver Knawings
Beaver has been at the Cottonwoods again...this a bit beyond the Slough out in Two Top Pine Meadow...out and about early for Critter Count Days, and continued from Ozone Beach, around Two Top, and return along Rocky Slope...clip has miscellaneous scenes along the way....would put up more pics, but now I'm getting the 1gb limit message...this happens I gather if one is using picassa albums, which I'm not, and I think I'm supposed to be under the google plus unlimited storage...hmmph....a rainy morning, this next morning too, while I'm doing post...Blue Jays, Acorn Woodpeckers, Ravens, Hawk, Redshoulder at the Slough...Kingfisher flyover thereabout, Phoebes at Beaver like Chickaree, one tone, at Rocky Slope, Flicker, Buck thereabout, and Coyote scat by Beaver Bend...rainy I have to go investigate this photo upload snarl...well, I dont know what google policy I've had all along, but apparently, it is like a 'classic' version, and I dont think it is still working, and so I must unpgrade to google plus, which is a kinda facebook like enviorns...I think...will try the upgrade, I guess...well..I started to do the upgrade...but had second thought when it said my blogger profile info would be replaced by the google plus profile...the little pic and such...and so I canceled, I's link that explains some of it:
I link blog posts now to facebook, but it's not automatic, and I just dont know if I can deal with another facebook, which google plus looks to be...both want engagement in a lot of things that the blog and blogger dont get into...blogger has always been a simple straight foreward nich, that I've felt comfortable with...and comfortable with the photo upload it plus will do the same, somewhat, but the blog I believe will have a link to plus, and maybe plus will drop things on the blog...dont know...I could stay clear of google plus, and upload photos, by purchasing picassa storage, I gather...but I'm not sure what the 1gb limit refers blog page?...I would think...workaround would be to just do multiple blog pages with notation that they are together..I may just go to like one photo and a clip and a lot of text!..and a concern for fellow bloggers bumping into this...
Friday, November 16, 2012
Japanese Maple
Pic up of Small Tree which is a Japanese Maple, I think!, and Branches I duck my head under everynight when I walk back to the Cabin from work....
Backyard Deer
The Dogwoods in the Backyard didn't have Seeds this Fall, and the Robins and Woodpeckers and Grey Squirrels missed out, along with me taking pics..and the Backyard Construction Yard Fence had shrunk, so I had access to set up tripod by the Dogwoods, but no Seeds...and construction, mostly rehabing the Road, has grown about the Cabin and Rooms, since like early July...see clip!...out and about early for brief walk...trying to continue Critter Count Day, making it into Critter Count Days...paddled back to the Creek after Deer clip...Hawk, Redshoulder, calling over by the Deer House...continued along the Merced to Ozone Beach...Kingfisher flyover way high, Kingfisher calling....Flicker call...Ravens, Blue Jay...oh, because of no Dogwood Seeds, I think, Robins all left, and haven't seen or heard Pileated in awhile...on walk, did hear DownyOrHairy Woopecker, and on way to work later, sighted Kinglet on the Japanese Maple (see link about Bonsai Maples!) right by the Cabin, and missed photo op as didn't have camera with...went back, but Kinglet gone...the Rooms were landscaped at one time, and a few non native species used...sunny blue few clouds cool, rain now, around of Bobcat with Two Kittens at Lower Falls Shuttle Stop, and report of Hawk, maybe Harrier, out in A Meadow, I think...oh...and Chickaree sighted on walk...see clip!
Blog of the Day:
The Dogwoods in the Backyard didn't have Seeds this Fall, and the Robins and Woodpeckers and Grey Squirrels missed out, along with me taking pics..and the Backyard Construction Yard Fence had shrunk, so I had access to set up tripod by the Dogwoods, but no Seeds...and construction, mostly rehabing the Road, has grown about the Cabin and Rooms, since like early July...see clip!...out and about early for brief walk...trying to continue Critter Count Day, making it into Critter Count Days...paddled back to the Creek after Deer clip...Hawk, Redshoulder, calling over by the Deer House...continued along the Merced to Ozone Beach...Kingfisher flyover way high, Kingfisher calling....Flicker call...Ravens, Blue Jay...oh, because of no Dogwood Seeds, I think, Robins all left, and haven't seen or heard Pileated in awhile...on walk, did hear DownyOrHairy Woopecker, and on way to work later, sighted Kinglet on the Japanese Maple (see link about Bonsai Maples!) right by the Cabin, and missed photo op as didn't have camera with...went back, but Kinglet gone...the Rooms were landscaped at one time, and a few non native species used...sunny blue few clouds cool, rain now, around of Bobcat with Two Kittens at Lower Falls Shuttle Stop, and report of Hawk, maybe Harrier, out in A Meadow, I think...oh...and Chickaree sighted on walk...see clip!
Blog of the Day:
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Pic and clips from Yesterday Morning, and this Morning, at Creek's End and Ozone Beach...thought is, same group of Mallards!....sunny blue a few clouds of Hawk, Harrier, by the Swimming Pool...and Bobcat too on the Patio near thereabout...Bobcat report has good pics I hope to get to post up here!
Pic and clips from Yesterday Morning, and this Morning, at Creek's End and Ozone Beach...thought is, same group of Mallards!....sunny blue a few clouds of Hawk, Harrier, by the Swimming Pool...and Bobcat too on the Patio near thereabout...Bobcat report has good pics I hope to get to post up here!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Owl And Blue Heron
Out and about at First Light...thought was to do a Critter Count Day, and begin at Creek's End....thereabout, heard both Owl and Pygmy Owl while all still Dark...sighted Owl on Tall Pine...silhoutte pics and clips...and while doing clip, heard splash in the Merced, and a croaking like Mallard, but different...couldn't see, too dark!...but when light enough, and Owl having flown over to the
Woods, sighted Blue Heron, source of the croaking call...Heron was in the Creek a couple weeks back...missed report...have a few of those in backlog!...long clips of both Owl, not doing much, and Heron, gracefully, and oh so slowly, wading and looking for Fish...battery ran low, and missed Heron catching Fish...faraway clip up of Heron with Fish, and trying again...Mallards came by, Three Males, Two Females...good clip, for sometime...Kingfisher about..didn't sight...heard unknown Bird call in Woods, like a referee's whistle...and another tone...I've heard this call before, but haven't sighted Bird...have to look about web...tried to record, and have a little bit...Acorn Woodpeckers, Kinglets, Ravens, Doe and Buck (clip) about...tried to follow Heron up Lodgepole Point, but Heron flew off down river, croaking lowdly....continued to Bobcat Meadow...all frosty, and Grasses knocked down...Woodpecker Tree pic...Tree hasn't much support left!...and Frosty Leaves pic at the now much frozen my ownself, and the Village, coffee and egg croissant...and visited the Art Show..pic...small watercolor of Unicorn is mine...on return, Mama Doe and Two Fawns in the Village, by uniforms...clip...and heard Hawk, Redshoulder, in the Oak Grove...didn't sight...Flicker there too...and Blue Jays...and Acorn Woodpeckers...and I was glad to get back to Cabin and warm and a snooze!...a fine Morning...sunny cold of Bobcats at A Bridge, and Swan Slab, which is the Rocky Slope...Slab Bobcat looked to be nursing....
Monday, November 12, 2012
Snowy Morning Walk
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On opening Cabin Door, Snow! the gear... |
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Snow! |
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The Path, The Perfect Dogwood, The Fire Hydrant, Sentinel, The Road...Snow! |
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Snow! The tracks...someones will be first...first coffee... |
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Photog friend on way to work, lamenting being on the way to work! Snow! |
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Crossing to the gap between he in one in the other... |
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Dogwood between the Rooms...often for pics... |
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Ozone Beach...The Tall Cottonwood |
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The Cottonwoods |
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Sentinel reflection in Merced |
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View toward Cathedrals |
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Deer tracks... |
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....leading into The Woods...(found Deer...see Snowy Morning Deer post). |
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Half Dome from the Woods... |
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On return, photogs...'as you know, a good photo has a range of tones....' |
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Merced Wildlife Refuge
Pics up from Tuesday's rollabout down the hill...errand was to fix Silver's stalling problem, but everything fine on the way, so told Garage in Town I'd wait and see, and they agreed, not much to be done until something is readily apparent...on return it became readily apparent that the DW has returned!! for sometime, another vist to the Garage in Town!....hmmph...High Voltage Hawk pic from by the Obolisk...Cormorants and Common Mergansers at Merced Falls...which is filled to high water now behind the secondary Dam...Canada Geese, lots, thereabout...Chinese Wall and Red Tail Hawk on Osprey Road, and Elm in Valley...all other pics at MWR..didn't sight Ospreys....a fine Day!....hereabout this evening, Snowrain on way to Cabin after work...
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