Everytime I go to Bolsa Chica Bridge, I look over the Railing for Rays...finally sighted Spotted Ray...Ducks about...this Yesterday...bottom Hawk pic from previous Day's post...Bolsa quietquiet...suspect a lot of Migrant Birds have left...Rabbit, and Goose? at GG Library Pond...
(update: Goose is too small for Snow Goose, and it's a Ross's Goose!...a new Bird, for me!...
A tiny white goose with black wingtips, the Ross's Goose is like a miniature version of the more abundant Snow Goose. It breeds in the central Arctic and winters primarily in central California, but it is becoming more frequent farther east.
from Cornell's site
very cool, as I almost didn't take pic as lots of farmyard Geese at the Pond!)
...sunny blue warm...checked Osprey Nest..quiet...Nest can be seen from Mile 0 Coast Highway Bridge...found good place to park thereabout, so's to make some rollabouts along the Coast Hwy Bike Paths...lots of Long Lens photogs about, again, at the Bridge...Wildlife photogs hereabout a bit desperate for locations, I'd say...at least this one is!