After Breakfast, hopped on the YARTS Bus to Mariposa, and the dentist, and the dread root canal....had two hours free before time, and paddled out Highway 49 at the end of Town (looking at the Moon rise while waiting for the return Bus later, I realized Mariposa is turned about from what I thought, the far end faces East!).....threaded along the Road side...not much room to walk...and somewhat grim...Two Coyote Pups, and one Grey Squirrel... carcasses--hit by cars....Buzzbirds overhead...pic..oh...Red headeded Bird back at the edge of Town...had thought to reach a Car For Sale Lot in Mormon Bar, but return time when I neared the Fairground...and thereabout a large Pond, fed by a Creek that parallels the Road...explored a bit...mystery Duck pic...missed pic of Quail with Chicks...only Mama Quail....Mallard family on the Pond too...and discovered by the Pond the Old Road, which was a much safer, and more pleasant route back to Town...Hawk flewby fast over head, and lotsandlots of Little Birds like Violet Green Swallows, but different, and cant id from tiny pics...Bird by Chain might be one, and I cant id either!...hmmph...anyway, when I got back, heard Hawk call, but couldn't locate...but nice to hear Hawk again!...time, and the work to be done, but only a filling...whew!...shopped in Town afterwards...Watkins photo book, and hiking shirt...and sat a long while at the Bus Stop recalling mutual friends in the Valley with friend waiting too...Bus was late, and the ride back un air conditioned...a long walk to the Car For Sale Lot is acquiring a stronger allure!...sunny hot blue...Mariposa is cool...I've sort of eschewed taking pics of the Birds in Town settings...telephone poles and barbed wire fences dont seem much in comparison to the jewel like settings of the Valley...but cropping the Bird by Chain pic, I realized many of the same dynamics that make the pics hereabout charming, were in play...I'll have to plan out some Town weekend walkabouts!!...but next weekend the Hiker's Bus should be going, and Tuolumne beckoning!....Rafting on the Merced in the Valley is to begin July 1....many are jumping the gun, and in overloaded rafts without floatation vests...the River looks calm enough, but is deep and so cold as to take ones breath away....
The juxtapostion of a little free flying creature and the hardware of man reminds me of the words from an old Leonard Cohen song: " Like a bird on a wire, like a drunk in a midnight choir, I have tried in my way to be free..."
great photos. we would be in housekeeping camp for 2-3 weeks - pulling out before the memorial weekend crowds came in and i always went in the river - i can't stand the heat so i won't say it was swimming that early but i would get totally wet and more than once in a day - COLD but refreshing.
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