After early Breakfast, paddled down to Ozone Beach, sat awhile, and watched awhile Black Phoebe perched and fly catching atop Phoebe's Willow....and Two Little Yellow Birds were hopping about....Yellow Warblers, I think...manymany pics...one up best of the lot...just too far away...tomorrow I'll try to digi scope...back to the Cabin, and slept 'till work time...sunny blueblue warm....at Lunch: went back to Ozone Boulder, thinking maybe Warblers might be about, and another Little Yellow Bird was hopping about...I think it's another, and not sure which!...manymany pics, and the one up the best of the lot!...
Oil Spill: well, this morning on CNN was story about the Florida Manatees, and thereabout they expect the oil to come, and when it looks like the oil is within seventy two hours of reaching shore, they plan to round up Manatees and move them to safer waters...brb....here's story (the new laptop, with the new browser is loading very slowly and snagging--hope readers of hereabout have better luck!)
but awhile back, I took note of mention that Manatees migrate...brb...this site has story of Manatee migration, which is usually up the East Coast...
curious to know if Manatees reported in Mississippi...Ospreys too...brb...here's story that Manatees make it to Mobile Bay, and story of one that went up the Mississippi...
well, here's a Cornell report, with a list of species showing up with oil...
a curio is why the relief well has to go down so deep, eighteen thousand feet....brb...well, here's an explanation of what's being done...but no hint why a relief well has to be so deep...dont know but a well drilled down next to the old one, maybe a few hundred feet, could accomplish the task...link: http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2010-06-14-oil-relief-well_N.htm
1 comment:
my girlfriend and yosemite bud rhonda (RIP) was an avid birdwatcher - she would have went ga ga over these two.
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