Thursday, December 9, 2010

Arcata Marsh

Looked at my watch when I woke up this Morning--just enough time....thought was to make it to Bear Valley Wildlife Refuge to
maybe see Bald Eagles Fly Out....Eagles roost at Night at the Refuge, which is why it is closed has to be outside...found directions on the web...'be there one half hour before Dawn'...maybe I was late, was there, a Dirt Rural Road, about seven thirty...and saw one Big Wing farfarfar away...hurried best I could, put levis on over running pants pajamas, didn't wash or brush teeth, and grabbed some mini donuts and apple juice from the little buffet Breakfast, and rolled off into...fog...and I went slow...not being real sure where I was going didn't help....looking for the View Spot took me further South than I expected...thought had been to go North, to Bend, and circle around to the Coast, and down to Crescent City....too far to backtrack, so went South all the way to Redding, then crossed over on 299 to the Coast at Eureka ....scenic drive...Trinity River very cool...sprinkles now and then...Fog was gone when I reached Weed...and got good views of Shasta...too much contrast for pics....sighted Hawk on Telephone Pole before Weed...Redtail overhead crossing the Road just past Weaverville...Black Tailed Buck, right beside the Road watching traffic, me!, had to almost stop, in the Trinity River Canyon...Blue Jay, Scrub Jay, Ravens....Raccoon, Big Wings, Rabbits, sadly, on the road...the Forest was mostly Pines, kind I think of as Oregon Pines, and Digger Pines...and the Forest is very even...not any outcrops of Rock....anyway, came out at the Coast Road just above Eureka, and was going South, after resisting the tug to go North and the Redwoods at Crescent City.... and sighted sign, Arcata Marsh...turned off to looksee...Rain began to be steady as I neared the Coast, but stopped a bit at the Marsh...sighted Two Marsh Hawks, Harriers...blurry pic up....visited the Visitor Center, and thought, 'this will do for the afternoon'...and rolled off to find an Arcata motel room...gathered the gear, and returned to the Marsh, and it began to Rain...had Rain gear...but all Birds were taking shelter...see pics...'cept Ducks and Long Legs...but Light was low, and when it stopped raining for a bit, the Light was gone---Dusk....rolled off back to the Motel, and got lost in Downtown Arcata, in steady Rain....Streets are narrow, and were rush hour crowded!....found my way back....dinner at China Buffet...Fortune Cookie: 'You always see better with your heart'....oh...sighted Robins and Mountain Chickadee at the Marsh...calls I know! Border Check for Fruit, was given a free Calendar illustrated with Chickens....people have been friendly and helpful the whole get back to the Valley, it feels like time, it looks best to go South all the way to Moss Landing, and then across the Central Valley...a long ride ahead!...but the Coast is scenic, and hopefully I'll see some critters...maybe Puffin...Redwoods, Crescent City, for sometime...

Arcata Marsh is a working wastewater treatment Marsh. I studied the possiblity of using Marshes for waste treatment in a mid seventies community college class I was taking, part of a program of marine science classes. Forget what diverted me from that effort! The Aztecs understood Marsh Agriculture. Tule is a Nahuatl word. adopted by the Spanish. (from spelling check)

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