Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pileated Woodpecker By Sentinel Bridge

After Breakfast, made the Outside Loop counterclockwise...Hairy Woodpecker by the Broken Cottonwood in Two Top Pine Meadow...pic...nearing Chapel Bridge, Blue Jays scolding in the Old Village....waded in the Snow to looksee, but I think Blue Jays, a contingent of the Hundred Blue Jays!, were just being noisy....continued along the Merced Bank to Sentinel Bridge...Pileated Woodpecker call, and glimpsed Pileated overhead flying across the Road...followed, and going up the Little Embankment to the Sidewalk (original from the Old Village!), was a few feet of Slippery Icy Slope, which took but a few moments to tackle my effort...fortunately, cradled the newer camera before it touched down!....anyway, Pileated was noisy, and ratattaptaping, on a Tall up...continued around Bobcat Meadow...Nine Mallards at the Hummock Ponds...Acorn Woodpecker, twice Chickadee calls, Kinglet call here and there, Ravens, maybe Siskins by the Path near the Cabin, and maybe Phoebe in Bobcat Meadow...a quiet walk!...sunny blueblue warmer with wispy clouds, snow is melting, bareing ground Lunch: sat a brief while at the Ozone Beach Cottonwoods...quiet..Ravens overhead....

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