Sunday, July 24, 2011

Klamath River Grey Whale

(Update:  added clip today, Aug. 1...web report reports Whale still by Bridge...7/31) Yesterday, when I came around the Turn approaching the Klamath River Bridge from the South, I was going the speed limit, with a string of cars behind me, as usual, and just as I came around the turn, a traffic cop car's (off to the side) tail lights flashed red--telling me to slow down, I surmised!.... and well I should!, as all along the Long Bridge, were people walking, and looking over the sides....rolling over the Bridge, going very slow now, I was concerned with the string of cars behind, which I surmised were even more annoyed with me now!, so I didn't take in very well my surroundings!!...I just thought, tourists must really like to gawk at the Klamath River from the Bridge!!....Now, this morning, I almost continued North from Crescent City, thought to loop all the way over to Tule Lake and Eagle Road for another visit, but the Ospreys of yesterday were calling, so I rolled South...approaching Klamath, I had been thinking all along to just skip seeing the Ospreys again at the Coast, and going inland, and back to the Valley, but just as I got to Klamath, I sighted  Osprey Nest, with Ospreys flying about, high above the Road on a Tall Snag....very cool!!..pulled over at and clips for sometime....oh!!!..I forgot, in the morning, I rolled over to Pebble Beach in Crescent City, thinking maybe to see Grey Whales...but sign thereabout explained it was wrong time of year for migration..but did take pic of faraway Light House...a bookend to Notch Peak!!!...anyway, back to Klamath...I come around a turn to the Bridge again, and there are even more people lining the Bridge than yesterday, crossing back and forth, and traffic cop cars, with sirens chirping, trying to keep traffic from stopping....I rolled down the passenger window, and asked, 'what's everyone doing!?'....'Grey Whale and Calf'.....I was in the middle of a Whale Jam!!! would think, that with all my experience in the Valley with Deer Jams, and Bear Jams, and Bobcat Jams, I would have had a clue!!!....I squeezed into the turn out parking on the Far Side of the Bridge, gathered the gear, and threaded my way with everyone, everyone kinda walking and talking like entering the Summertime Fair, and got some really cool pics and clips, which will have to wait until I return to the Valley...the Calf was about yesterday, but has left Mama Whale, disconsolate I imagine,  lingering about the Bridge, un-persuaded to return to the Ocean, in spite of the incessant pounding of pipes on the aluminun hulls of skiffs and Klamath River open fishing boats....these Boats are special to me...when a kid, I stood with pop at the mouth of the Klamath and fished, casting out a metal lure as far as I could, and reeling it back in...only thing I caught, was the lines, and lures, of the fisherman in boats, piloted by expensive guides--one needed a guide experienced with the tides and currents. at least back, from the Bridge, the constant din of the aluminum pounding I thought at first was some kinda of an Indian Festival...noise had that kinda rythym...and dont know, but upon reflection, the whole episode had a ritual like atmosphere--the atmosphere the concern for Wildlife....anyway, more to report...not just Whale, but Elk, and Hawk, and other sightings of today...(google search: Klamath Whales...for lots of clips and pics!)...oh!!'s good link to story:

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