""^^HE Nolan type amphora, here illustrated, 13.188 in the Mu-
seum of Fine Arts, Boston, is an example of a vase design cor-
related by a root-three rectangle. It is remarkable that this
shape is not more often met with in Greek design, for we
know that it was regarded as a beautiful shape. It is mentioned
by Plato, who makes the Pythagorean Timaeus explain: " 'Each straight lined
figure consists of triangles, but all t'tiangles can be dissected into rectangular
ones, which are either isosceles or scalene. Among the latter the most beautiful
is that out of the doubling of which an equilateral arises, or in which the square
of the greater perpendicular is three times that of the smaller, or in which the
smaller perpendicular is half the hypotenuse (in length). But two or four
right-angled isosceles triangles, properly put together, form the square; two
or six of the most beautiful* scalene right-angled triangles form the equi-
lateral triangle; and out of these two figures arise the solids which correspond
with the four elements of the real world, the tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahe-
dron and the cube.' " (Quoted by Allman, "History of Gr^ek Geometry from
Thales to Euclid," p. 38.) Classic art was practically over by Plato's time.
Usually, ...usually, I just snag a low res image from google images...but paid $12.50 for amphora image from colorbox, a stock photo company based in Denmark...see link just below amphora link is wiki on amphora...curious is how old this vase form is, and how common and useful...and quote from 1920 book, which I recall trying to read once, and I often try to understand dynamic symmetry, and was taken with Hawk's pose..Greek vases all have names, and a very detailed study by to 'Nolan'...Boston Museum link...I was much taken when Mandlebrot's Fractal Geometry book came out, an expensive purchase, and another similar book I can't recall, even more, like eighty dollars--I had never spent so much for a book!...this was 'New Age' era, and while looking for archaelogy of ancient Egypt books, found myself bringing home Sacred Geometry, and Power of Limits...there are many, and now much on the web....what always comes to mind when I ponder Symmetries is the Cone Shell...maybe I can find was a photo of a fellow sitting at a computer holding a Cone Shell (I volunteered as a docent, and worked with Seashells for a while at Bower's Museum---many Cone Shells!), and on the computer screen was a fractal program generating a design just like the one on the Cone Shell...brb...
and...and, I am much taken with wow, world of warcraft, for it's symmetry, and as the artwork, computer assisted, often has about it dynamic symmetry, and the playing itself, there's a lot of repetition, reiteration, 'grindng', resembles the essential of fractals, the reiterated algorithms.... well, I just sorta am at a loss....but did search: world of warcraft dynamic symmetry, which didn't bring up much...a lost guild, and in passing other sites, found this blogger's post, which looks to illustrate Plato's words above!
but let me pin down what a fractal algorithm is, as unclear myownself!...brb...
Fractal algorithms are algorithms used in creating computer-generated images. Using either an iterative or recursive process, simple geometric shapes are divided and replaced by smaller versions of themselves.
Seven of Nine used fractal algorithms in conjunction with Borg sensors to locate "funnels" which the USS Voyager could use to escape the Void. (VOY: "The Void") When Dr. Lewis Zimmerman used a fractal algorithm to realign The Doctor's holographic matrix after it started to degrade while on Jupiter Station, it was mentioned that they are "notoriously unstable in the hands of a novice". (VOY: "Life Line")
well, a fine snag from a gamer site!
and now will go pursue my novicenessness in all this, and iterate a bit playing wow....:)!!!
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