My sister's Cocker Spaniel, Lucy, and I, waited in the McKenny Texas motel room for my sister to return, both of us a bit anxious. For my part, having been left behind to look after Lucy, I wanted to walkabout the nearby Park and look for Cardinals! Once there at the Park, I found the wooded Nature Trail, and a Stump to sit upon awhile, with Cardinals all about! But very hard to sight in heavy Canopy, and pics blurry faraways. But Cardinals a longtime hopetosee, and a surprising wonder to hear! Pics up are from the long hurried roll thereabout, taken at roadside rest stops and such. There was one layover day near Cottonwood, Arizona, and one in Texas, and the rest: three days on road there, and three same way back--Bakersfield to Flagstaff to Roswell to Mckenny, and back same way.

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