Thursday, August 11, 2016

OTI:four poems, notes, one illustration:8/11/16

Open To Interpretation

What I Would Hate Most

What would I hate most to do?
Oh, be a golf caddy,
You know?
Take the flag stick out,
Watch the golf ball roll in,
Take the golf ball out,
Put the flagstick back in.
Why do you ask, Dante?

I'm Always Early

I'm always early
Sit awhile
Think awhile
Hate to be late
And I'll stay to the very end.


And may I have a window seat, please?
Happily I wait ticket in hand,
Rolling away.
"Ticket please."

A Long Walk

It was a long walk back
From section 6 row J seat 37
Where the half moon overhead
Aligned perfectly
With the final bows center stage.
A long walk to row B1...
"What's the chances of that?"
The young mom with husband and baby in stroller says
As we return simultaneously
To our respective cars
In the jammed packed giant parking lot.
I laugh and smile.
"Have a good night!" she says.


Notes: What I Would...reference Dante's Divine Comedy,,,,Comedy had a different meaning back then...brb...'a medieval narrative that ends happily'...well, one would hope...I've never been able to read it all, not even wiki's synopsis...just not of Dante's congregation...the next three poems are from the Carah Faye/Lindsey Stirling concert I went to last evening in Costa Mesa at the Fairground Pacific Amphitheater...the fair is going on too, so I went early enough, I thought, to walkabout the fair a bit...wanted to see the art exhibits...but parking was problematic, the lots all full, and I zig zagged about awhile with everyone else until I got lucky and found a spot...picked up my ticket at will call, then sat out front for an hour...I was two hours early!...but it was pleasant weather, people to watch, always enough to content me, and I poked at my iphone keypad, but made just the two, Always Early, and Ticket...the Dante one I had in my head for several days, contemplating employments I just couldn't do...A Long Walk I wrote up today, just as it was...Lindsey has a 'congregation', loyal and excitable fans!...Carah, as the opening act, borrows the audience for start up of her own solo career...I went to see Carah, Lindsey a plus...oh, Carah's back up band was just too loud, and self possessed, and her singing got lost in like a long tonal avalanche...Lindsey would have been lost too, her back up band different fellows, but the same...hardnosed  rockers...but the electric violin can overtop traditional rock instruments...guitar drums organ....and remarkably, when Carah does a duet with Lindsey, who is dancing with the violin always, Carah's singing voice overtops the violin and steals the number!...I think she did it again in the last number before the encore, which has a singing part recorded while Lindsey and band play live...I think...there was no program, so I don't know the particulars of the song, and whose voice singing it was in that one...there may have been some lip synching, and violin synching, in both acts, the stage lighting, graphics and sound antics being such...but I don't think anyone cares about synching's favorites are on stage live, and that's all that matters! entertaining show, and both girls allude to being 'straight edge', a term I picked up from reading Carah's wiki...sort of what I am, and so I fit in with their audience congregation! and then, waiting for this and that, I'll take out a drawing pad, and do a sketch of something, anything, from my surroundings to pass the time...not unlike how I take out my iphone/ipad now!...Illustration...somewhere in Fallbrook waiting, 6/23?/03...



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