Monday, January 15, 2018

OTI:three poems and notes:1/15/18

Open To Interpretation


There are things around you
That you never see
Or you saw and forgot
Or ignored.
When transiting from
Night to Day
Sunlight glints off of me.

A Wall Of Fog
From the Masthead the lookout
Tried to peer over the wall of fog
But his high vantage point
Wasn't quite enough to see over.
And the swift current carried
Black Ship Liz
Along beside beneath the wall
Preventing passage into the fog.
"Some mystery this..."
Said Watteau,
"We go around around now for days,
Trapped in this current,
It a shield of some kind.
It doesn't let us see.
It doesn't let us enter.
And enter we must!
Petra and half the Liz's crew
Are in there, somewhere."
The racing teams hadn't returned
From the Pinnacle race.
The race finishes at
The Pinnacle's peak.

An Island Of Pines

Above the waves,
A small forested island
To plant a victory flag,
Or acknowledge the one
Usually there--Ichi's.
The Peak island was behind the fog
Beyond the circling current
That couldn't be crossed.

The Island Jewels
They were like uncut gems
And crystals strewn across
The black ocean
In a grand circle of colored
Giant floating islands
Like a wreath about
The tall Pine covered
Pinnacle peak.
The Black Whales had
Guided Petra's team's
White Whale to the surface
And to the Peak's shore.
Petra unharnessed their Whale
And it joined the frolicking.
About the Peak.
The sea was crowded with
Whales gathered together
For their birthing.
Petra secured the
Black Ship racing pod
Beside Ishmael's and Ichi's
And her team made
The short climb up
Through the Pines
To be with the others.
From the top they all could
See clearly all around
And looked with wonder
At thousands of Whales
Cavorting in an arena
Made by the floating Islands.
Beyond the Islands
A grey wall of fog,
Otherwise, a blue blue sky day.
"What are they?"
Asked Dana
"I've never seen the like."
"Yes you have,"
Said Cerulean.
"On your adventure
To the Poet's world."
"BlackSpace Ships!"
Exclaimed Petra,
"BlackSpace Ship Wonder
Is black as coal
And not nearly so large!
These are glorious!"
"They are full grown,"
Said Cerulean,
"And acquired their colors
After many journeys."
"Why are they here?"
Asked Dana.
Cerulean smiled,
"They got wind
Of the Pinnacle Race,
And the gathering of the Whales.
The news evoked
A spontaneous festival.
They've come their long ways
To see the Whales,
And too to do
The Pinnacle Race."
Puzzled, Petra looked
At Cerulean,
Her arms akimbo,
"How so you know all this?"
From beneath his shirt
Cerulean brought out a necklace,
A medallion the size of his hand
White and shaped like a snowflake,
Or rather an infinity of snowflakes
As from moment to moment
It never looked quite the same.
"From my time with the Hexagons."
Said Cerulean,
"We keep in touch."
Petra reached to her throat
And displayed her necklace,
A medallion in the shape of a flower
That was never still,
Always changing from one
Floral shape to another.
"The Pentagons gave us these..."
Said Petra.
Dana and Ishmael showed
Cerulean their floral medallions too.
"Just so."
Said Cerulean,
"We all have their wind chimes."
Notes: hmmph...caught a cold that turned my brain to mush and couldn't put two words together...these poems drafts from like December 14....thought to post up around Xmas...the scene being a bit of a Xmas wreath...but of late I've become shy about posting...and have indulged in midnightmovies...there so easy to watch on the Samsung tablet...mostly been watching the old HBO series available through amazon...let me think...there was Rome, then Westworld, then Deadwood, then the FX series Justified....I can't recommend any of them because of the uncensored things...why censorship doesn't apply to cable, the net, and such, I don't know...that aside, these series all have merits...the writing, the acting, the stories...and I guess that's why I endure watching them...once I begin one, it becomes a marathon...I'll stay up all night watching one episode after another, messing up my sleep cycle, and so go for days in a kind of moviedrug induced televisionstupor...and being a mimic, I find myself walking about like Raylan, the US Marshal hero of Justified, and Olyphant, the actor in the role, too was a lawman in Deadwood...interest in his acting in that led to watching Justified...these series are all of the same fabric...same settings, same plots, same bantering dialogs...throw in The Wire with them...and I could point to one thing, the bordellos, and one could see the unifying motifs and themes in them...and there are a lot of borrowings, one to another...and basically, they're cliffhangers...they're Louie L'amore, uncensored...a motif in Justified is Raylan pulling back his coat to show his holstered pistol and his marshals badge on his belt...brings to mind, 'pointed to my hip, "Scissors"'....(one needn't keep up here, I'm just on a ramble...)....I did a post about sheriffs' badges, and if I remember right related them to the Pennsylvania Dutch putting pentagons to ward off evil on their barns and homes...five and six pointed starts are old symbols...I thought to look that up again, and read about badges...during the War of the Roses, they were side or another would make pins and 'livery badges' , and folk would be very keen to be loyal and proud to wear a badge, so much so that just the badge was enough to coagulate a following...this must be a well known phenomena , the new Star War's movie ends with a camera zoom in on the emblem badge of the 'Resistance' Justified, tattoos and necklaces are interwoven into the themes, which are dark, as good and bad get scrambled...following along, we all find ourselves digging coal together...anyway, reading wiki's take on Badges, I happened on the tale of Ruby Bridges, and the famous painting by Norman Rockwell of her being escorted to school by US Marshalls...back there a ways, rolled out to the Gypsy Den and joined in the OCPC Poetry Slam...a desultory effort on my out nine of the 'Elizabethans' sonnets...and little chance of winning up against the modernists and their uncensored rants...there's another one tomorrow night...I don't know what's going on with the B'mor detective shooting...the FBI has refused to take over the investigation...meanwhile, thereabout, the kids are freezing in their classrooms...

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