Open To Interpretation
Notes: game on...on the radio...Angels and Astros...bottom of 6th...Barria pitched through six...gave up just one run...and, his opposite, Doom, Verlander on the mound for Astros...he's likely done too...over a hundred pitches and being paced/saved for play offs...and, and Old Doom had a seat behind home plate looking on--Nolan Ryan...saw Ryan pitch many times for Angels...his presents may have upped both Barria's and Verlander's game...Angels still in it...Bedrosan on mound for Angles...Astros 1-0...just one hit so far for Angels...hit by the mound...pitching change...one runner on first...spent afternoon scraping paint off the old House...using muscle groups I haven't used in a long while...worked awhile sat awhile...kind of like going up a steep trail...never was very quick at things...another nubber up the middle...two on one out...listened while working to first six innings...sun going down...cat, Zora. came around to looksee...sat in my lap as I sat in the garden chair trying to recover between bouts of scraping...the sythian gold pectoral rosette...Trout up...both Trout and Ohtani wapped the ball against Verlander, but typical Angels at'm balls...I think Marte has had the only hit...he came in for Fernandez who got hit on the hands, took first base...ground out...bottom of Angels order...last four...have all struck out each bat thru 5...12 strike outs...don't remember Doom's strike out total...his career totals have a long way to go to catch up with Old Doom...Ohtani up...2-2...K...Upton with infield hit...oh...Upton had the one hit before...so now he has the only two on the night!...Simmons up...Simmons struck out twice, and he leads the majors in least number of strike outs...throwing error...Simmons to second...Upton to third...Ward up...0-2...K...to bottom of 7th...well, top of order will get another at bat...oh, the rosette...I got to close looking at it, thinking about it...as I went on about it, how it takes a compass and ruler to make one...and how the Minoans had it in their Egyptian colony mural...see if I can retrieve that...this post one hundred seventeenth in a series...see previous...
Much has been said about the importance of the paintings and their origin. The question of why these paintings appear in the Thutmosid palaces is a perplexing question for archaeologists and Egyptologists. According to Bietak, the use of specific Minoan royal motifs in a palace in Tell el-Dab'a indicates "an encounter on the highest level must have taken place between the courts of Knossos and Egypt."[

oh, that's a new one I hadn't seen...and I thought at first that it doesn't have the rosette...but looking closer...it even has the kind of rosette (these are split apart) that I'm reaching for...that in a sec...I need to gather some more rosettes to nail the reach down!...Robles does his job...to top of 8th...Astros have a good pen...likely they'll close this one out...

A detail of the dolphin fresco, the Minoan palace of Knossos, Crete, (c. 1700-1450 BCE).
Young gets a lead off walk...ball in dirt, Young to second...Angels got Altuve stealing with a pitch out to end the 6th...a big play!...fair ball down the line...Arcia with a double...Angels 1-1...both Young and Arcia pinch hitting!...Barria off the loss column...no decision for both him and Doom, who is likely fuming...new game, with a runner at second...Calhoun up...that dolphin fresco with the rosette border is one I posted before...seems like I had another Egyptian/Minoan one...anyway, following on that previous post, I keep an eye out for rosettes...they're on the Phaistos disc...which I've noted before, but looking at it again with the Scythian pectoral one, I took note that the Phaistos' is right in the middle...what happened?...no one out, and runners at first and third...Hermisillo gets to third on ...oh...and Trout steps up and waps it out...three run home run...the voice in the Angels offensive wilderness!...Angels 4-1...Ohtani legs out an infield hit...Smith on mound for Astros...third home run in last three games for Trout...
Upton W...two runners on, and advance on passed ball...runners on second and third...Simmons up...2-1...'high, and deep, and carrying out there in left fied...bangs off the wall'...Ohtani crosses home plate...Upton should have scored...Angels 5-1...the rosette on the disc is right in the middle!...going with my where things are is what things are it must have some import, my thought...
the disc is an unsolved mystery...about 15 cm (5.9 in) in diameter and covered on both sides with a spiral of stamped symbols. Its purpose and meaning, and even its original geographical place of manufacture, remain disputed, making it one of the most famous mysteries of archaeology.
Upton tagged out coming home on fc...Young up again...Angels bat around...two out...I watched a long youtube TED lecture about a scholar who claims to have solved the disc...leastwise how it sounded, but that seems to be it...conjecture is it is a prayer or some such to a goddess...well, I've nailed down everything are spells...the disc is a spell, or an utterance, I'd say...fly out...to bottom of 8th...Angels 5-1...this doesn't seem much of a lead considering the Angels gave up 43 runs in last three games!...hmmph...and the rosette on the disc is couple with one or two other hieroglyphs...so like Egyptian, each emblem has a sound...together they make a word...what the words are still uncertain...thing I noted too about the disc is that it was printed...the rosette like a piece of type...and the other emblems too...kind of unique...but, the rosette!...Anderson on mound...Altuve at the plate...W...four straight balls...sigh...infield pop out...another W...Butry brought in to pitch...base hit...Angels 5-2...two on, trying run at the plate...don't look down...1-2...Houston fans doing croci frog howls...2-2...W...bases loaded...base hit...one run scores...bases still loaded...Angels 5-3...bloop hit...Angels 5-4...

Images of Scythians can be found on monumental architecture, including this relief from a wall in the Apadana, or audience hall, of the Persian ruler Darius I at the site of Persepolis in modern Iran.

Both vessels from Sengileevskoe-2 are pierced, a common feature of similar artifacts found in graves across the Scythian world, though most other examples are made of bronze and none are as ornately decorated.
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But there was something odd about the vessels. When he pulled them out of the ground 2,400 years after they had been buried, he noticed crusty patches of sticky black residue on both. Before cleaning the gold, Belinski asked the crime lab in Stavropol to take samples for analysis. The results came back positive for opium. Looking at the residue under a microscope, experts identified cannabis particles as well. The residue seems to confirm stories told by ancient authors, Herodotus among them, that the Scythians marked important occasions with drug-fueled rituals. “A dish is placed upon the ground, into which they put a number of red-hot stones, and then add some hemp-seed,” the Greek historian writes. “Immediately it smokes, and gives out such a vapor as no Grecian vapor-bath can exceed; the Scyths, delighted, shout for joy.”
note rosette border in Persian border...and too the Scyths caps...these caps for sometime!...oh, Ward has easy play to second for force out and double play, and...air mails the ball into right field...lol...Astros 6-5...E5...gloom...so, so, my rosettes became suspect...the Scythians seem to conflate rosettes with opium...so, so I thought to look up the opium flower...and, it's not that the flower matches the rosette, it's the top knot on the buds...bounced up the middle...Astros 8-5...still only one out...that one is absolutely crushed by Altuve...Astros 10-5...'pitching woes for the Angels continue here'...and another hit...

'a nightmarish inning for the Angels'...line out to Ward...to top of 9th...K...Calhoun up...so, so my thought that the rosette was a sun symbol...often seen at the top of things, or place of importance like on the disc, has kind of gone south...the rosette harks to opium...ground out...have some more rosettes...for tomorrowmorrow...Marte up...ground out...Astros 10-5...need to do my cosmic shell...
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