Wednesday, January 2, 2019

OO:one poem, notes:1/2/19

Orion's Onion


It's what you wanted,
To be seen.
I see,
Begrudge me that?


Notes: youtube clips are a fascination...and too their 'comment tails'...I've taken to, and, and taken on the commentators!...what with the enigma lore I've gathered, I can sling things out...and google/youtube gives me an email headsup if there is a response  to my comment, or to a thread I've replied to...often I just reply with one word, 'yep, yes, noted, spot on, etc.'...there is heartfelt sincerety in some comments, and then there are the insincere, even deviously cruel ones...I try not to just poke a comment 'nest' rhetorical...hard not to, as most things I question I can web search up an tonight I pestered a thread to yet another clip about fake moonlandings...then went and looked up apollo program cameras, and moon dust...threads have been around since the the start a few computer engineers traded emails about their efforts, making threads, forums...that's all old GEnie was, text threads, chat rooms...I was much a noob, and bullied much so I give threads a wide berth...comments have a huge potential...they crowd source subjects...of late, I consider them prompts, for better or worse, and now and then, add my two bits worth😕


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