Sunday, February 24, 2019


Orion's Onion

Notes:  "massive industrial restaurant"  Golden Road Brewery...just across Orangewood at Angels' Stadium...during last season I was curious about it, seeing how crowded it was...there's picnic benches outside a typical cement slab large industral unit, and these were full up before and after, so today I went there to see on cable sports bar tv the opening Spring season game for the on!...Giants vs. Angels...Angels won, 10-2...both teams used an army of players, and few regulars...cant say I've ever really watched Spring Training...inside, the Brewery, it is spare, just like a factory, but bare to the walls except for more picnic benches set end to end, and small high's huge inside, cavernous!...a long bar has a row of big lcd screens, and around the walls too where the seating was noontime Saturday crowd that filled the place...some event was underway at Stadium maybe, but I was like the only one watching the Angels...had requested channel...snacked on tacos and iced tea...$15 plus tip...its noisy...crowd noise, rock music, like all sports bars... but something I've noted about big noisy rooms like gymnasiums, train depots,  and such, one can carry on a conversation with one's neghbors...the noise muffled by the high ceilings..."What are you going on and ond on about, DavidDavid?"...well, well, it's the "restaurant at the end of the universe"...another one I should say, the first in Douglas Adams' book Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe...while working at Last Chance, my nickname for Yosemite Lodge Foodcourt, and my reference to Adams' "end" restaurant, I often wondered why no restaraunts similar back home...Last Chance in the Valley is like one big room which resembles an open beamed ceilng, clear glass walled, airplane hanger...often thought if I had the funds, I'd open a similar restaurant, and, and the Brewey is much how I imagined!...a giant beer hall...Last Chance in Town...a new place to perch and take in the views...😊


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