Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Moses" Horns:OTI::pic,notes:::7/18/2023

Open To Interpretation


Moses Horns

Search: Xicalcoliuhqui hermeneutic

Search: poem hermeneutuc



Notes:  Game on...on the radio...Yankees at Angels...bottom of fifth...signing on I was trying to listen...lot going on...Angels scoring!...bottom of fourth...Sandoval on the mound...he could use a "cushion"...Moniak steal second...earlier, I think, he hit a home run...Yankees 1, Angels 5...they walked Ohtani then in third, and Moniak delivered(edit:it was the first, Neto blup hit, Ohtani K, Moniak HR), to the chagrin, I'm sure, of a Yankee vlogger who thought Moniak, first name Mickey, a nothing burgher to pitch too rather than Ohtani...Oh, the Yankee fans are woeful they pitched to Ohtani last night!...wap...of course, if Moniak and Ohtani didn't hit home runs...that's baseball...runner on for Yanks, on an error by Cabbage on first...double play!...to bottom of sixth...at the Cemetery, there is a statue of Moses, a copy, one of Michelangelo's, with the horns...back in the blog, a post up about the horns on Moses, and Alexander the Great...and I thought to look the horns up again, and found a long piece going on about them, and happened on the word "hermeneutic" that caught my fancy...of late, when I fancy a new word, I sometimes think to make it up into a poem, and begin a search: poem "new word"...if one just searches "poem", or any one word, google search will have the "usual" things, things the algos think are important, and then the listing trails off...guessing here, Google here doesn't want the browsers to divert into an endless listing...it was like that for a while!...I could search "USS Panay" and eventually happen on my own blog post, even just after I posted...this when blogger had its own search...it still does, I guess, but hoops to go through to use it...but, of late, I find if I add "poem" to "one word", all kinds of marvels show up...see post up two days back...Sandoval has made it to the seventh!...just one hit,  home run...to bottom of seventh...before the advent of scientific inquirey, and archaeological scholarship, there was study of the Bible...might be said, it was an illustrated study, what with all the paintings and statues telling the stories...Islam prohibits portraits, so all the geometric designs and script instead, and likewise, much study...Neto up...K...Ohtani up...oh, Ohtani got that triple earlier today, one he needed for cycle yesterday...K...anyway, the whole culture of religious study has just moved over into scientific study, where the object of study, the artifact, was the Bible, now, it's just everything, planet Earth, the Universe, lost civilizations...the "study" extends into fiction, fans study their favorite stories, heroes, worlds entire...I've come to see the yin yang symbol as the opposing worlds of fact and fiction depicted...together they make the world go 'round, or some such...top of eighth...Yankees get a runner on...Sandoval relieved, he went eight innings!...when Angel pitchers do well, they do really well, like there is team potential there to really shine...Moniak up...a hit!...three hit night, one the two rbi home run in third!...top of ninth...one down...Estevas on mound...K...fly out!...and the ball game is over!...put a halo over this one!..."boy, it was quick ballgame"...yep...more hermeneutic for sometime!



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