Sunday, September 23, 2007

Dogwood Seeds

The Robins and Squirrels are happily eating the Dogwood seeds...and I'm not sure how they came about, though I have enough pics I could trace them back to Spring when the Dogwoods' white "flowers" were blooming. The flowers are bracts, but I dont think the bracts turn into these seeds! Look like little fireworks when they turn dark red.

Heard the Hawk make one call from the Bus Stop, and saw a glimpse of it by the Cabin...later in the walkabout I followed the call in front of me, scanning the Tree Tops, then it was behind mefinally saw a glimpse as it flew over the Creek towards the Lower Falls Stop.

My Gear was turned into Lost and Found, and 'am grateful to the anonymous Finder.

Took video of Deer, Does with a Fawn, lazing in the ferns and grasses on the Superintendant's House bike path under the oaks.

And a telephoto pic of a trickle coming over the Falls top...a start for the Equinox!

Cold, but clearing up.

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