Monday, September 17, 2007

Small Brown Bird, Melospiza melodia

I have another of this one posted I think. I took pics and video of it where the Creek meets the Merced. There's a log there stuck in the gravelsand and I sat for awhile trying to photograph the dragon flies (got one blurry one!), and this bird came along, another of the illusive ones. There's something in the sand they like. This was before noon, but I went back in the evening and there were like six robins poking in the mud too, and this one again, so I have lots of robin and this one's pics today. Letmesee if I can find its name...A Song Sparrow? Melospiza melodia?

The Creek here, what's left of it, is about a foot across and an inch deep! Yes, this is all the water coming over the Falls...where it comes to the Merced. Makes the Robins pic kinda neat...

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