Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cedar Grey Squirrel

Paddled over to the Post Office...and made a walkabout on the Trail under the Royal Arches...it's just a short section of Trail, but I like it...and thought to look for Critter tracks there too..a lot of snow has melted already, and there were lots of People tracks!...did see Bear track, but that was back by the Village!...had picked up lunch there, egg salad, cranberry grape drink, chips, kitkat bar....and found a sunny log to sit on at Indian Cave and have lunch...saw the Bandtail Pigeons high up in Pines by Washington Column...they live there it seems...blurry pic of Kinglet...maybe a Ruby......returned as far as the Backpacker's Camp...and went across there to the Stables...and took the Shuttle to Last Chance for a late snack....back to Stop Nine, and hopped off....over to the Road and Cook's...over Chapel Bridge and made the Big Loop...evening coming on, and watching the Clouds' show the whole while...Grey Squirrel was by the A. Rooms...an addition to the Greys collection...added to the Acorns at the Woodpecker Tree...looking out, and coming and going from their snug Tree Nest!....bit envious of that!....report of Bobcat seen from the Shuttle at Housekeeping...report of young orphaned Bear being returned to a den and the wild some unknown somewhere....report of seeing the 'big' Bear whose tracks I followed yesterday...report of seeing 'lots of Hawks where we live'....which brings up an important aspect of the walkabouts...all the Critters here can be found in abundance else ware...animal life in the Sierra is thinly distributed....one day, I may see a critter that I have only seen once before!...which often brings it to the fore to be a subject of a post...I could post up Ravens everyday, or of late, Grey Squirrels snacking!...but the nature of conversation is to remark on the remarkable...today I got a clip of Tent Cabin being moved with a large earth mover tractor on the Road by Stoneman Meadow...humorous to see!...here...dont know but I'd be content with a plot of Sierra mixed Oak Pine Cedar woodland with a Tent Cabin!....bright sunny blue early on, later clouds moving in...puffy ones scattered at sunset...cold...finger tips inside the gloves cold!...oh...second clip is at the confluence of Tenaya Creek and the Merced...another Creek's End, and which I seldom visit... bit crowded in the summer!!!

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