Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Woke up hearing the Dawn Chorus, Robins and Grosbeaks, in the Backyard....just barely light...gathered up the 20x and tripod, dressed sorta warm, and paddled out...and sorta late...Choir quieted down to one or two....but...but there was Snow on the Trees...and the Dogwoods to looksee...had seen a web heads up about the rare occurrence of Snow on Dogwoods....nearest was the Perfect Dogwood....then over to the Dogwood I pass at Lunch by the Rooms...thereabout, a photog from out of nowhere plunked their pack down, opened it to reveal every lens known to man...hmmph...."I'll head down to the Beach, my Ducks might be about...."....and one Mallard was!...floating along with the Frazzle at Ozone Beach....hd clip...(I'm not happy with the clip uploads on the new laptop...so for sometime today's clips)....picked up and paddled across the Woods to Creek's End....across the Creek, Two Does on Lodgepole Point....hd clip of Does swimming across the Creek from Lodgpole Point to Owl Log...a knockdown clip!....nearly missed it, trying to get batteries to work, backup failed, so went to backupbackup just in time with frozen fingers!....missed clips of Does gamboling and playing....think I was losing my core heat charge too!, and retreated to the Cabin to warm up....then to Breakfast, and then to sleep...with the thought just to sleep all day!....but around two, paddled out with all the gear and made the Pony Path Loop....through Bobcat Meadow....picked up lunch at the Village...tuna kitkat orange juice...by A Meadow and Rooms....by Backpack Camp...and to the Giant Boulder, where I sat at the Snag Log Bridge...and was delighted to see Ouzels had built a whole new Nest on the Snag....pic...set up the digi, waited, ate lunch...but no luck and quiet....picked up and went to check Ouzel Boulder...and there the Nest was gone!....oh...much dismayed....and just then, Ouzel finally showed, singing, and perched on the Nest Ledge, looking much dismayed too!....Storm must have knocked it off...a wonder is if there are two Ouzel Pairs making the Nests, or just one....picked up and paddled through the Fen, and along the Rocky Slope...caught the Shuttle by the Tents....back at Last Chance, paddled out to Ozone Beach, and along the Merced to Creek's End...Doe thereabout...and Two Male Mergansers....pics, clips....first time to see two Males at once....up the Creek to the Swath and to the Cabin....oh...earlier at the Museum, Dogwood pics, and at Mirror Lake Bridge, Dogwood pics...walkabout was Critter quiet, but scenic and Dogwood splendid!!....sun through broken clouds, cool...clear and cold at sunup!...I'll put up the mp4 clip...the hd longer version of "Frazzle" with Mallards and Does and Robins and Juncos for sometime!...Apple Tree Blossoms on the Apple Tree by the Woodpecker Tree....(Mountain Chickadee here: http://treeinthedoorvideo.blogspot.com/2009/09/little-birds.html
And about being an Oil Spill Volunteer:...the number listed on the web, 1-866-448-5816, for interested Volunteers to call, is BP Hotline...is BP managing volunteers?....I dont know if there are any 'volunteers'...news had it Louisiana residents were being hired at twelve dollars an hour to do clean up, and were to be given preference....this is curios!....are they being hired by BP?

1 comment:

yosemite faith said...

thanks for the dogwood photos - love the snow on them.