Out and about late, like two!...paddled out to Bobcat Meadow.....quiet....errands and a snack in the Village...thought to check the Ouzel Nests by the Pony Path....hopped on the Shuttle...hopped off at Sentinel Bridge...Bear jamb....from across the Merced, sighted Bear 66 or 99, Ozone, in the same Little Meadow as before...clips and pics....lost sight, and continued along the River to Housekeeping...Male Merganser far aways ahead...set up the digi, and Merganser dove...waitedwaited...and Merganser surfaced right by me!....about fifty yards under water diving...pics....hopped back on the Shuttle at Le Conte, and off at Happy Isles....Nest at Ozone Boulder wasn't rebuilt, but the Snag Nest is bigger!....pics...Ouzels not about....hopped on the Shuttle at Mirror Lake, and to Last Chance...almost went to the Cabin, but it has become a routine to go to Ozone Beach in the evening....quiet thereabout, and started downriver to look for a place to sit and snack on chicken sandwich, happened to look back, and sighted Mama Merganser with Six Merganserlings swimming from out of the Diversion Channel Confluence....very cool...Mergansers swam to the Snag Log, paddled about a bit, and settled in for the evening on a Tiny Island...another Female Merganser showed up, and two Male Mergansers floated by in the time doing pics and clips...veryvery cool to see the Merganserlings furiously swimming!!....yet to see a Merganser or Mallard with Nest and Eggs...oh...highwater moved the Snag Log a few yards downstream....hmmph...not quite so accentual as before!!....cloudy sprinkles cool....
Oil Spill: Monitor's take...lots of pics, but trail off around first of May...concern that the oil isn't coming to the surface, but staying below in plumes...
The plumes were discovered by scientists from several universities working aboard the research vessel Pelican, which sailed from Cocodrie, La., on May 3 and appears to be the first scientific expedition to gather extensive samples and information about the disaster in the gulf.
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