Mini donuts and orange juice for late Breakfast, and, with little time, watched tv until worktime....sunny blue with a few clouds, I think, warm...at Lunch: sat awhile at the Ozone Cottonwoods...Black Phoebe, Robin, Blue Jays, Song Sparrow, Redwing, Starlings, Flicker call, Mallard, and Two Orioles, and Two, looked to be, Yellow Rump Warblers, together in the Tall Cottonwood...Ozone Beach is a short Bend in the Merced: from West to East-- the Ponderosa With the View of Half Dome, the Willow, Ozone Boulders, the Tall Cottonwood, the Diversion Channel outlet, the ozone Cottonwoods with the Fallen Cedar Log, the Fallen Cottonwood, the Small Willow, and the Fallen Cedar....the Soil is muddy Granite Sand, with a few patches of almost real Beach Granite Sand....'Ozone' was a nickname employees had for the housing hereabout which was washed away in the '97 Flood...a much older name may have been 'Mosquito Camp'....it is within short walking distance from Last Chance...three minutes...and so my favorite Lunch Time destination!.....pics up are Green Yellow Bird I saw at Entrance to MWR last Tuesday....Bird looks to be Female Tanager, but I can't find good matching pic in books or web...
I think your bird is a goldfinch, perhaps a greener variety than usual?
Yes, looks to be Female Lesser Goldfinch, I think!...thanks for link! Very pretty little Bird, and first sighting, for me.
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