Blogger was off line last night...pic and clip up from Lunch....while sitting by the Merced at Ozone Beach, which is under Water, heard Mallard quacking and sighted Mama Mallard with Seven Mallardlings paddling up River towards the Cottonwoods...clip...rested newer camera on my knee, which worked!....anyway, slept in this morning (yesterday too!)...sunny blueblue, grey clouds in the afrernoon, puff clouds tonight, and three quarter Moon....ar Lunch: sat next to the River same as yesterday...Deer at Cottonwood Bend (third day in a row!), Mallards, Robins, Sandpiper, Song Sparrow, Black Phoebe, Yellow Rump, Blue Jay, Raven....poked my head into the River Plan meeting at Last Chance...WaterBug pic on the screen, like the ones Ouzel catches...very intent audience, many with laptops open on their laps....I think one could participate online....yes...called a 'webinar'....
Here's a bit on a 'boom' in the Sky, maybe a meteor, in Virginia, which reminds me of the boom yesterday from a clear Blue Sky as I left the Cabin for work...thought it was Rockslide, but couldn't see any Dust...today there was distant Thunder beyond Half Dome during Lunch...
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