Sunday, January 4, 2015


"I was there Yesterday!" the Denny's waiter said, pointing to my hat I always wear has Yosemite on it..."Oh, did you like it?"..."Yes, it was great!"..."Lots of snow?"..."Yes!"...I really really miss the chit chat with the tourists at Last Chance!'s scribble is acrylic on 6x8 board (using the old watercolor sketch as reference) ...Cedar Teepee is just out front of the Museum opposite the Redwood Log Slice showing the tree rings and corresponding events in history...behind the Museum there's the Indian Village (and one time, Enid's flora garden), and more Cedar Teepees, and some other little shack like houses the Valley Indians used that were saved...I have some reference sketches of these too...for sometime...the Indians used what materials they could, and the houses are pretty humble...employee housing in the Valley is pretty humble as well, and I still have annoying dreams about housing...I cant pay the rent, I cant find my cabin, I have uninvited guests...last night I was packing and moving and back and forth forgot where the trailer was, and then I'm driving about looking for Silver as Silver had been stolen... stolen car and behind in the rent are like my top paranoias!...and in this dream an annoying voice says, 'you're in your car, dummy'...and I look about, 'Oh, it is Silver!'...and woke up...there's a new Indian Village being constructed just past Camp 4 by Rocky Point, and some really big Cedar thought has it that the Cedar Teepees came to be when the Valley Indians saw examples of Plains Indian Teepees, and this after Europeans arrived in the Valley...there's also a large Meeting Lodge being built, which looks to be a copy of a Lodge model I saw in the Klamath Falls Museum...have pic somewhere...I tried with the sketch to get a sense of light and dark, chiaroscuro, but it doesn't pop, and I left off before I made mud...then taking the pics for the post, the sunlight fell on the little sketch in the way I wanted to paint it! was sunny and hot that day, and the Art Activity Center class gathered thereabout and used the Cedar Bark Teepee for subject... looking up wiki's take on teepee, tipi, tepee, I find similar dwellings were used in northern Scandinavia...see link:
OH, and looking about for wigwam and wikiup and Paiute housing and Miwok housing,  I happen on this sobering story in the Fresno has the current status of the Rocky Point Village...

Today, the community is rebuilding its village. Included in the 1980 general management plan, it will be used for ceremonies and gatherings.
The project hit a rough patch a few years ago. Roundhouse beams were deemed unsafe and the park put a stop to construction. Yosemite's native community needed to follow building codes.

American Indians share their Yosemite story

The Fresno BeeJune 27, 2014


Read more here:


Jeannette said...

Wow ..keep painting...wonderful stuff and such an interesting post. May you dream onward into new and good all paid up.

DavidDavid said...
