Monday, July 17, 2017

OTI:one poem and notes:7/17/17

Open To Interpretation
Merry Go Round

On this circling stampede the riders see
Our someone common, someone lovely, pair.
Entranced in songs beneath a coral sea
On galloping seahorse saddles we fare.

In the caverns myriad impressions;
Ribbon celebrated penned goats and sheep;
The trafficking crowded head bent questions,
"What glory has he to win her, or keep?"

Is it so important how they rate us
So long as songs beneath the prancing wave's
Rhythms danced to by bobbing seahorses'
Racing mermen pursuing their mermaids?

We'll win no prize and accept no rings
Beyond the reach of common living things.


Notes: this is not healthy...awake 'till 4am...sleep, off and on, until 1pm...fiddle with notions making a sonnet until the time is noted...7pm...oh...need to eat and clean....and afterwards back to post...more to do...I fell out of bed after one wake up from a dream...took the ball in a park football pickup game, and tried to kick the kick off, everyone watching...and I caught just the end of the ball, and it went like ten yards...but my leg swing swung me out of bed!...and that may be where this conceit began for Merry Go Round...a few million poems have likely been done around Merry Go Rounds, and at the end of this I remembered brass rings...more commoness!...nonetheless, I hung on, and below the iterations, the first at the scroll's not done, but like painting, one has to leave off before everything gets overworked. as this is!...just realized that sonnet envoys are like the highlights in a portrait's eyes...always the last touch to give life to things!...and it's very much like painting making a poem with rhyme and is always struggling to stay connected to what one is trying to represent!


A brass ring is a small grabbable ring that a dispenser presents to a carousel rider during the course of a ride. Usually there are a large number of iron rings and one brass one, or just a few. It takes some dexterity to grab a ring from the dispenser as the carousel rotates. The iron rings can be tossed at a target as an amusement. Typically, getting the brass ring gets the rider some sort of prize when presented to the operator. The prize often is a free repeat ride. The phrase to grab the brass ring is derived from this device.


Merry Go Round

On this circling stampede the riders see
Our someone common, someone lovely, pair,
Entranced in songs beneath a coral sea
On galloping seahorse ponies we share.

In the caverns myriad impressions,
Ribbon celebrated penned goats and sheep,
The trafficking crowded head turned questions,
"What glory has he to win her, or keep?"

Is it so important how they rate us
So long as songs beneath the prancing waves
Are heard, danced to by bobbing seahorses'
Common mermen, and uncommon mermaids?

We'll win no prize, and expect no ring
Beyond our reach, or an uncommon thing.
On our circling stampede us riders see
a somewhat common somewhat lovely pair
Entranced in songs beneath a coral sea
On galloping seahorse ponies we share.

In the caverns myriad impressions
Ribbon celebrated
Penned goats and sheep.
The trafficking crowd
Head turned questions
"What glory has he
To hold her, or keep?"
On our circling stampede us riders see
a somewhat common somewhat lovely pair
Entranced in songs beneath a coral sea
On galloping seahorse ponies we share.

In the caverns myriad impressions
Ribbon celebrated penned goats and sheep.
The trafficking crowd, head turned, questions,
"What glory has he to hold her, or keep?"

It's not so important how they rate us
Merry Go Round

On this circling stampede the riders see
Our someone common, someone lovely, pair,
Entranced in songs beneath a coral sea
On galloping seahorse ponies we share.

In the caverns myriad impressions,
Ribbon celebrated penned goats and sheep.
The trafficking crowd, head turned, questions,
"What glory has he to hold her, or keep?"

Is it so important how they rate us
So long as songs beneath the prancing waves
Are danced to by bobbing seahorses'
Common mermen, and uncommon mermaids?

We'll win no prize, and so expect no less,
And smile, spun round, at what they  do bless.
So long as songs beneath the prancing waves
Are danced to by bobbing seahorses'
Common mermen, and uncommon mermaids.

We'll win no prize, and so expect no less,
And smile, spun round, at what they  do bless.
It's not so important how they rate us
So long as songs beneath
The prancing waves
Are danced to by galloping seahorses'
Common mermen, and uncommon mermaids.

We'll win no prize, and so expect no less,
And smile as children made dizzy and blessed.
On our circling stampede us riders see
a somewhat common somewhat lovely pair
Entranced in songs beneath a coral sea
On galloping seahorse ponies we share.

In the caverns myriad impressions
Ribbon celebrated
Penned goats and sheep.
The trafficking crowd
Head turned questions
"What glory has he
To hold her, or keep?"

It's not important how they rate us
long as what cheers beneath
loud murmuring waves
Is heard by the silent sea horses

We'll win no prize
And expect no less
And smile as children
Made dizzy and blessed.
On their circling stampede the riders see
Someone common someone rare
A song beneath a coral sea
On Galloping horses pierced we share

A moment for just you and I
By the surrounding gathered
Just to see.

Stationed exhibits
In all the barn caverns
Ribbons celebrate
Paintings and crafts
Goats and sheep
The trafficking crowd
Head turn glances,
Myriad impressions
What glory has he
To make her his she.

In truth it's not that important
What we have made
Or how we are made
So long as what they make us
Their loud murmuring surf
Is lost to the silent horses
Merry songs.

We'll win no prize
And expect no less
And smile as children
Made dizzy and blessed.
On their circling stampede the riders see
a somewhat common somewhat lovely pair
Entranced  to songs beneath a coral sea
On galloping seahorse ponies we share.

A moment for just you and I
By the surrounding gathered
Just to see.

Stationed exhibits
In all the barn caverns
Ribbons celebrate
Paintings and crafts
Goats and sheep
The trafficking crowd
Head turn glances,
Myriad impressions
What glory has he
To make her his she.

In truth it's not that important
What we have made
Or how we are made
So long as what they make us
Their loud murmuring surf
Is lost to the silent horses
Merry songs.

We'll win no prize
And expect no less
And smile as children
Made dizzy and blessed.
Someone common someone rare
The riders ware
On their circling stampede see
The Galloping horses pierced we share
The merry go round
We share
Galloping poles pierced
Impossible horses
A circling dance floor cleared
A moment for just you and I
By the surrounding gathered
Just to see.

Stationed exhibits
In all the barn caverns
Ribbons celebrate
Paintings and crafts
Goats and sheep
The trafficking crowd
Head turn glances,
Myriad impressions
What glory has he
To make her his she.

In truth it's not that important
What we have made
Or how we are made
So long as what they make us
Their loud murmuring surf
Is lost to the silent horses
Merry songs.

We'll win no prize
And expect no less
And smile as children
Made dizzy and blessed.
Someone common
Someone rare
The walking crowd
Made ware
The merry go round
We share
Galloping poles pierced
Impossible horses
A circling dance floor cleared
A moment for just you and I
By the surrounding gathered
Just to see.

Stationed exhibits
In all the barn caverns
Ribbons celebrate
Paintings and crafts
Goats and sheep
The trafficking crowd
Head turn glances,
Myriad impressions
What glory has he
To make her his she.

In truth it's not that important
What we have made
Or how we are made
So long as what they make us
Their loud murmuring surf
Is lost to the silent horses
Merry songs.

We'll win no prize
And expect no less
And smile as children
Made dizzy and blessed.
 Someone common
Someone rare
The walking crowd
Made ware
Seeing where
The merry go round
We share
Galloping poles
Impossible horses
A circling dance floor cleared
A moment for just you and I
By the surrounding gathered
Just to see.

Stationed exhibits
In all the barn caverns
Paintings and crafts
Goats and sheep
We bend to see
The trafficking crowd
Head turn glances,
What glory has he
To make her his she.

In truth it's not that important
What we have made
Or how we are made
So long as what they made us
Their loud murmuring surf
Is base to the horses
Merrygoround songs.

We'll win no prize
And expect no less
And smile as children
Made dizzy and blessed.



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