Monday, June 1, 2020

False Flags

False Flags

*clip with comment from comments*

Watch "Long Kiss Goodnight (1996) - 9-11 Foreshadowing" on YouTube

What i dont get is why people look so deep into shit and to crack codes, enlightem your minds can any single person do about things.  These people always wanna enlighten your mind.  For what!!???  Not shit you can do about it!  So y live life like that. -Mountain Du

*an exposition scene much noted for its prescience of 911*
Watch "The Long Kiss GoodNight 9/11 Movie" on YouTube

0:44  You're telling me, you're gonna fake some terrorist thing just to scare some  money out of congress?

*the tanker truck footage was used in two more movies with some modifications*
Watch "From High to Low #5 - The "Long Kiss Goodnight" truck crash and bridge explosion" on YouTube

*the original scene*

Watch "The Long Kiss Goodnight - Edited Truck Scene" on YouTube

*Geena blows up a truck in another movie*

Watch "Thelma & Louise (1991) - Truck Driver Confrontation" on YouTube

*and of course this today, the event that made me recall movie Long Kiss underated movie*

Watch "Semi-truck appears to try to drive through protesters on Minneapolis interstate" on YouTube

*runamuk trucks are a Hollywood me, a motif...and cbs newscasters provided captioning as the truck event for reals unfolded...curious at first the truck was thought just there by missfortune, the driver coming up on the crowd unknowingly...comments in many comments to the many clips speculate as much in defense of the driver...trolls saying this?...robot trolls flooding multiple vlogs?...I dunno...comments of this take were quick to flood the comment threads...the truck did come to a stop...I study motifs, I study their captions, for a long time I've studied events, 'incidents' in Panay, soh, I'm a SOH, Mountain Du, a Student of History...and true, I can't do anything about events-current ones are just as distant it seems as ancient history events...Remember the Panay...*


Notes: as noted in earlier post, I've been diverted from posting to the blog to posting to youtube vlog comment sections...not recommended!!! is comment I made on contemplating clips of the tanker truck on the bridge...and I posted it to three vlogs:...George Webb's, not recomended-a terrible time the clip with Mountain Du's comment, which is months old, and, and, where else, I forget...oh, to cbs clip comments...if someone in days to come replies to my comment, or even just leaves a like, my mail envelope icon will have a number by it-a headsup...the potential for conversation on yt is huge, but one seldom gets replies, or likes...Journalists are familiar with this...what they publish doesnt bring in a flood of responses usually, unless they misspell something, or their story is about cats!...nowadays with social media , webizens are all familiar with what jounalism is like...going on years now social media been around, and everyone far no replies or likes to this 'False Flag'..usual...innured to such I am...actually, by posting comment one replies to all, so one to one back and forths rare...if a reply of interest shows, I'll add here...oh, I found a trick doing that comment...putting a star * on either side* makes text bold in yt comments...usually to set things apart I key quote unquote...over the previous months I've posted hundreds of comments...many I delete after awhile...on occassion I get an envelope headsup from a comment made months ago...oh..,this...???!!!*** "what the hell", found on flag/patches of the Rice Paddy Navy, our China Coast navy soldiering on land during WW2...I've gotta a bunch of emojis...



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