Sunday, June 14, 2020

Three Poems

Name Calling

I dont want to call you black
I dont want you to call me white
I dont want to call you Indian...
Oh, let me cut to the root...
I dont want to call you girl,
I dont want you to call me boy...
I want us to call our names.

...doldroms... here I am now where I thought to go...
...and the black glass doors shuttered day and night...
...and plants growing up between the cracks...
...though the neon sails still display-so, hope...

The Dogs of Cuzco

Oh, I have a new romance
For romantic orphans,
Strays that we are,
A new relationship as it were:
We adopt one another,
Enough of the two by two bubble.
A realm all of our own one another adopted-
We're family!


Notes:  Kenga, onherbike, did, what's it called? stream zoom...herself and four other motorcycle travelers going around the world in a talkabout...and from there I lifted 'bubble'...traveling alone was contrasted with traveling with someone...alone one reached out to people on the road...couples were like in a "bubble"...that might be an urban word...and, and  watching vlog Travel Bum, Lindsay and her boyfriend in lockdown in Cuzco, their travels curtailed too, they went out with animal care group and provided care for stray dogs in Cuzco...this came about from their adopting Mr. Potatohead, a Cuzco stray that hooked up...not to disparage hooking up, but I'm finding "adoption"...well, what can I say, "adopt me" a new flirtation...the first line of doldrom was pulled from a comment in total different kinda rolled out on its own, and  days later I determined to put something with it!...Name Calling is like, I dunno...anyway, these are Black Deck poems...often I dont 'see' them complete...poems are where one finds them...the vlog adventurers...well, there are poems happening around them...the real timeiness!!!



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