Friday, July 3, 2020



Out and about along the Merced with my cameras, looking for my favorite juvenile Red Shouldered Hawk, Cedar, deep snow everywhere by the Superintendent's Bridge, Chapel Bridge to me...I nickname things, people, this in Yosemite Valley, my home for ten years, Pohono... I happened on another photog birding...from talking I learned he was from Alaska, and there he had been an avid hunter, but gave it up for wildlife photography...I didnt ask him why...a no brainer he'd seen Hawk...this a bit like seeing Jesus...Whites and Blacks simply dont mingle together, exposed to one another, and there are those opposed to such...the divide between races isnt skin color, it's language culture...a natural fear of foreign tongues...and if you dont allow even a few foreign words, then, then your China concentrating camping followers of Islam, draconian crack downing on Hong Kong...the keepers of language are the Heralds, and they manage all the affairs of State, and are hide bound by traditions..."cuture is the King of all"...long long time in America Blacks have been saying, just see us, and our problems...some progress, but a big blind spot when it comes to police...remarkably, Blacks have come up with an apt slogan...BLM, Black Lives Matter, see our problem with the police...sympathetic Whites join's not the extreme as when slavery...nonetheless, the slogan is resonating all over the say this resonance is manufactured by players, well, that's like saying early Christians were played...oh...wait...😃...anyway, the Valley police number the Bears, least naming them arouse undue affection for Bears...myself, I nicknamed them, even in writing I dropped the article "the", just writing Hawk...cap too as in proper more "I saw the hawk..."...just, "I saw Hawk!"...a subtlty...DavidDavid, Iconoclastic Destroyer of Subtlties...😀...Park Service goes on and about how dangerous Bears are...but visitors Bear Jam in the Valley all the time...solo backpacking, they'll come around your tent at night, sniff your sleeping face...take your food of course...Bear does you Bear Can/Locker it...😃😃😃...vandals they are, take your Awhwanee wedding cake, eat it right in your car, poop afterwards.....😯...there are Angels...


Watch "Cal Perry On The Scene In South Dakota Prior To The Arrival Of President Trump | All In | MSNBC" on YouTube


Note: Y'know, I wrote that up this morning, then, as often happens, I happened on a news cast that illustrated it!

____☺____ was youtube comment I posted to the newscast's comments...earlier, and orginally, I posted it to vlog back and forth between two Trumpians...alt conspiracists...such great sources for breaking news...and not bad sorts, just they dont seem to have independent backbones...anyway, there the comment got wrenched...scrubbed...notice of a sort as illustrated in the newscast...this is Standing Rock again...

Happy Fourth!



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