Sunday, July 19, 2020

And, and, and...

And, and, and...

Watch "Second Wave War Room Ep8 (with Patriot Webb) by Dr. Paul Cottrell" on YouTube

And, And, And...

Oh, the audio at end for GW goes out, just as he is adding to his thought experiment about "Holocaust in Place", which he brought up earlier in clip...related, Paul notes Walmarts, empty ones, as "camps"...a "FEMA has camps and coffins" sorta meme thing...I dunno...a Walmart was used for immigrants...myself, as I go around to schools as sports official, I've noted the fences that have gone up-result of school shootings...schools fenced could become camps...but, but that's all Hollywood stuff, Red Dawn stuff...and, and, and, going through the comments found this "wallet" thing...prior to being loaded into cattle cars and concentration camps, Germans sorted trees, genetic appearances/health...GW's holocaust in place idea could include this wallet thing-the equivelant of the sorting, the tattoo number on one's forearm...this is scary stuff!...too much...I've come to the thought, after considering how slick and glib the wallet presentation vlogger is, that "they" are reading in the public, tilling the soil sorta, by spreading these scenarios!...myself just a useful idiot going on about them-just so all of us going on about "Deep" matters...and, and, and...😃😃😃

below in comments is this link:


Watch "What Will Be Required For You To Move in Society 2021 Forward (1013)" on YouTube

Wallets..."deep and strange"



Watch "Violent BLM-Antifa Gang Assault Peaceful Resident Bay Ridge, Brooklyn July 12, 2020 - BROOKLYN RIOTS" on YouTube

Wot...even idiots are useful?..."worse is better"...hmmph...too much fireworks...😕

Notes: the vloggers cook things up, just like a cooking show, with gathered ingredients, it's "add this, add this, add this"'s in the first clip...just so!...GW and PC, ex computer geeks, going on how things are like computer code "and", I listened to that clip, then bowsed over to MC's clip...the rodeo with fireworks...not in clip, but grim that in Brooklyn a confrontation over illegal fireworks led to fatality...too literal!...anyway, "useful idiots" references Stalin, "worse is better" Lenin...generally, Stars have a low opinion of their fans, and consider them easily manipulated...just so plotters, social engineers...nothing stokes the faithful like being surrounded by the unfaithful...fuel and oxygen in the fire triangle...along comes a spark, and poof!...the Trumpeans have been piling up faithfullness to Trump, and simultaneously, the so called by them unwashed NeverTrumpers, unfaithfullness abounds, or so the argument of who is a patriot and who isn't a patriot goes...I'm not making this up!...anyway, just talking about Trump adds fuel..."gasoline on the fire" says the Portland mayor of federal troops descending on Portland...they make things worse, and the Protestors, idiotically as it is, take the bait, up the violence...the protestors are being co opted...controlled opposition, it's called...I tried to find defining quote for "controlled opposition"...and search, "co op spy craft",  brought up this:

quote The Spy Who Came In From the Co-op: Melita Norwood and the Ending of Cold War Espionage (History of British Intelligence Book 2) eBook: Burke, David: Kindle Store

About the Author

Dr David Burke is a Supervisor for the Rise of the Secret World: Governments and Intelligence Communities since 1900 at the University of Cambridge. --This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.


books of late too expensive, and used bookstores nearly exterpated, gone...but the web has tons...and I can work things out, regarding log lines, book/ movie blurbs, like indexes, and find stuff...suspicion is I find things I'm meant to find...will-o-wisps luring us into a dark forest...oh, word of the day, from that book's review...


It is brilliantly and concisely told and is essential reading - some of it worryingly apposite today.

RhymeZone: Apposite definitions

adjective:   being of striking appropriateness and pertinence




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