Wednesday, July 8, 2020


Watch "Sunset Chat With Lee & George" on YouTube

Amoebas Under The Microscope


Watch "V* for Vendetta - What Is Anarchism? | Renegade Cut" on YouTube


Zorro's Hat

Oh...little or no mention of Faith...or that we are on our own, so to speak...the fascist rant by the Leader appealed to God in the movie...


I believe in a few things, Mr. Finch. I believe in god. I believe in the destiny of the Nordic race. And I believe in fascism. The romans invented fascism. They had a symbol for it; a bundle of twigs bound together. One twig could be broken but a bundle would prevail. That is the heart and soul of fascism. Strength in unity. I tell you these things knowing full well that they make you uncomfortable.


isnt "Rome" the "Three Estates?"...and too "Leviathan?", the top down divine rule of Kings Thomas Hobbes invisioned?...I dunno...I'm new to this, and befuddled by anarchy/communism, the terms I mean...early Christans were communal, Jewish Kibbutz too-the Essenes...often un hierarchacal governments profoundly religious?  Irish monks (see Tintern Abbey) that morped into Knights Templar?...Guy Fawkes was contemporary of Hobbes, and a Catholic insurgent?...the religious wars of the day were between the Catholics and the Protestants, or some such...the notion of King was accepted as the only kind of rule...apparently, John Locke back then expressed the rights of individuals which got picked up by Thomas Jefferson and the Founding Fathers, and a new kind of government was made, a secular government with elected rulers, inclusive of all races and religions...well, not so new, an enclave elects a on the playground choose up sides for basketball games...who has skills, who is the best speaker...Athens had voting...Republican true monarchy/dictatorship, voting doesnt is, it looks, anarchy as described, when allied with free press, and a public that keeps abrest, self educated about current affairs...V goes on and on in the movie like he is the only one that knows what he is talking about...didactic?...rather I would such manifestos be full of quotes, of anticedents, differing views...dissenting views as in Supreme Court decisions...anarchy is democracy, the quote...too though it is fascism, e pluribus unum...terms are so...I cant argue for Faith as a practical element to have, God, gods, goddesses, would laugh at that...peculiar that V for Vendetta is now noted for being prophetic of current protests/pandemic...prophecy very much a religious venture...oh!...Zorro adopted Guy Fawkes hat...Zorro the archetype of the comic book super hero, a rich aristocrat in concealment helping, Robin Hood like, the poor-very much Jeffersonian...Jesus was an insurgent...there are Angels...

*weird, is the upside down V is the Sparta lamda, Greek letter on their battle shields...Sparta much doted on by fascists...too, it the emblem of the new Apollo program to the Moon, Artemas...the V, chevron, in any orientation, has a long history as motif...Artemis, the Huntress, owns it with her bow and arrow...


Note:  I spammed that comment...posted it to the two linked vlogs...fearful of being put in youtube exile, vloggers are using nicknames, amoebas being such...I should do a post about the creator of story...some of this in post few days back...the comment was to the movie review, then I posted it to LW's vlog...these comment posts wont make narrative sense for awhile...much like the beginning of my Black Deck Tales (see 10/31/16) just sorting the crews and captains on the vlogs...




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