Saturday, July 11, 2020

Elect An Eskimo

Elect An Eskimo

Watch "Why are there giant concrete tunnels in the desert?" on YouTube, Time, is always filled with our vision of moving things, things approaching, passing, receding...gravity and light same, soh, space is with approaching, passing, receding things...future, present, past...Time, clocks, a measure of things relative to one another...Theory of Relativity? at the speed of light/gravity relative to another now...different nows different's now is still, relative to itself...being still like being is timeless...and without vision, oblivion...oh...srry, I put my William Blake on!...😃😃😃, soh, all my waking hours I browse youtube vlogs, and google pages...too, my dreams like the web!...and I consider, and compose my poems and's too hot to go out and about, so okay,'s browse began with a curio...minority businesses aren't receiving corona virus relief funds, and another curio, Smedly Butler exposing the fascist conspiracy to topple the President...had the thought there is a Trumpean Insurgency to toss the Constitution, make the President a fascist leader without bounds...absolute power with no elections and such...such happened, happens, elseware...China, Cuba, Russia...back in the day, Germany, Italy, Spain...way back, all European Nations were absolute Monarchies, beholden only to the Pope...and such happened in 1934...conspiracist approached Butler to enlist him to become the power behind the President, FDR, and further the intentions of the fascist conspiracy...Rachel Maddow did an MSNBC vlog about the 1924 Democratic Convention in New York, deadlocked in its voting between two candidates representing two views...Wheeler the liberal, and Davis, the conservative...back then fascisms was a popular counter to communism...and the KKK on the rise...Maddow has it Davis was the KKK candidate...then like now white extremist gravitate to political conservatives...back then, the Democratic party was the party of the Southern States, where white nationalism has roots in the Civil the Republican party's supportes...go figure!....both parties disavow racism and prejudice publicaly now..but, in 1924, 1934, not so much...KKK marched in the thousands in their robes down Pennsylvania Avenue...and were big faction in Democrat party...anyway, a thought "popcorned" that the fascist faction that didnt win in 1924, figurehead Davis, bubbled up into the conspiracy Butler uncoverd...the connection? of the conspiracist...hmmph...nothing new here...lots of historians have gone on about to me though...Davis, I found, was early member of the CFR, Council of Foreign Relation...what's that?, my less than everyone's nightmare, the Deep State...a think tank of elites, and still at it today...the relief funds distribution is a mess, both Republicans and Democrats finding fault with who is receiving funds...special interest groups receiving money for their special thought: the Trump Insurgency is funding itself by way of the relief funds...the tell, the reveal, of this, is how minority businesses are left out, or if included, thrown into debt by not having the loans granted,'s a hot mess...browsing, I happen on other happier vlogs, like Physics Girl...comment to above...and too happy,  old film of the likes of Smedly Butler...


Watch "Smedley Butler speaks about US politics at Newtown Square in Pennsylvania HD Stock Footage" on YouTube

You can elect an Eskimo with five million dollars.




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