Monday, July 6, 2020

Pillow Talk

Pillow Talk: The Rise of the English Majors

Watch "Thursday Trio with Prof Hamamoto and George Webb" on YouTube

Pillow Talk: The Rise of the English Majors

Wiki has it Professor Hamamoto was schooled at UCI, University of California, for awhile...seeing that was....a hmmph....😯... he's somewhat familiar with my Town, my Village by the Sea, my nickname for "the OC" in memory of the Indian Villages...may well be while he was there, I was being schooled at CSF....Cal State Fullerton...stretched out in the basement student lounge musing on laboratory wastes from above flushing along the giant transparent glass pipes hanging from the ceiling...UCI new then, CSF too...High School graduation split me away from my smart friends-they went to not so smart went to closest friends were I should have been (eventually was)...but I played trumpet too well, and earned a lot of As in music class to reach 3.0 grade status, and that, along with my reading skills, a bookworm I was noted to be, which got me high marks on the SAT test, and so into four year college...I'm such a common sort it's rediculous...playing horse on a basketball court with a limping old guy, a retired accountant for the scandal County property tax collector, he asked me what High School I graduated from..."oh", on hearing, "a working class school"...just so, from there I came, and there I returned, blue collar jobs my career after my schooling!!!😃, soh, I have this weird mix-an everyday sort with an English major's poetic lens...and, and I can stand  beside a pool table and note a hustle when I see one...I gave pool up, finally, the practice I mean, the 10,000 reiterations...too much for me...while the laundry dries at the laundromat I'd go next door and poke the balls around, studying...just one around that noon time laundry time...but one day on table next to me two players squared off playing nine ball...I'm not good...but have my moments, which could put me in the company of players like the Phillipino, who I had watched once matched against the player famous for "I'm your worst nightmare..."...thenabout the movie Color of Money came out...just so dive bars and pool playing can be...and watching the 9 ball players move their pennies, I thought, been there done a fan, I still watch the pool tournament youtubes, many of the Phillipino...anyway, academics have their jargon, and Hamamoto goes off, and I cringe...George Plimpton founded the Paris Review...John Brown, the Civil War insurgent became allied with poet Higgenson and The Six...Laura Riding, an X-Kid, was adopted by...oh, who were they...brb...the Fugitives...a Southern US poetry nest...such have ideologies...Ezra Pound and his disciples, noted for pillow talk-rambiling on and on about things disjointedly-Pound's Cantos, Olsen's...whatever...oh...who was the fellow at UCI? aside...Riding then was adopted by Robert Graves, and that nest...which loops me back where I was, under those glass pipes in '70 reading Graves' Collected Poems The White Goddess, and, Goodbye to All That...too much...😃😃😃...just found Bob Dylan tried to visit Graves on Majorca thenabout...they both like the flat brimmed black hat the Spanish wear, the hat Zorro wears...


Watch "1995   Efren Reyes history-making Z-shot you will love" on YouTube



Note: Guy Fawkes wore the Spanish Hat too...😃...what that is above is a youtube comment of mine posted to the vlog link...I watch/listen to such, and sometimes comment...that one I posted and then deleted...sometimes I delete them, sometimes I leave left at gravestones, I think of them, the kind of musings one has over a grave of say, a favorite Hollywood star, or an personal contact whatsoever, but, y'know, time spent...sometimes I dont comment at all, and, and my comments are different from most...and I've got a bunch of them now and then I'll place a favorite comment here...



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