Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Elephant In The Room

The Elephant In The Room


Watch "Hundreds of elephants die mysteriously in Botswana’s Okavango Delta | DW News" on YouTube


sigh...this is a blow to my "lily pads"...with no endangered species to protect, there is no Park Service, no Refuges...endangered species act on Trump's is the Bundy agenda that worried the National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon...around the World, National Parks, all derived from Muir's beloved Yosemite...related, the World Heritage Sites...many of these in Syria destoyed/looted by the iconoclastic Daesh...the importance of Parks and such is Africa, poaching a huuuge too...Mojave desert tortoise yet another Chinese delicacy...not to finger the Chinese, ("fingers" the name of police in movie V for Vendetta...😯), there are a lot of players wrecking havoc on the Earth...Strong Cities grew out of Sister Cities...and, and there are Sister Parks...


Sister Parks - Yosemite National Park (U.S. National Park Service)

Yosemite's sister park arrangements provide a framework for collaboration with parks and protected areas that face similar challenges. Yosemite National Park and each respective sister park have an official arrangement, signed by both park superintendents or their equivalent, that is valid for a three to five-year term. Yosemite currently has five formal sister park relationships with Huangshan and Jiuzhaigou National Parks in China, Torres del Paine National Park in Chile, Berchtesgaden National Park in Germany, and most recently, Lake Hovsgol and Tengis-Shishged National Parks, Horidol-Saridag and Ulaan Taiga Strictly Protected Areas in Mongolia.


I dunno what happened to the elephants...nor the whales...


2019-2020 Gray Whale Unusual Mortality Event along the West Coast and Alaska | NOAA Fisheries 2019-2020 Gray Whale Unusual Mortality Event along the West Coast and Alaska | NOAA Fisheries

Since January 1, 2019, elevated gray whale strandings have occurred along the west coast of North America from Mexico through Alaska. This event has been declared an Unusual Mortality Event (UME).

Since January 1, 2019, elevated gray whale strandings have occurred along the west coast of North America from Mexico through Alaska. This event has been declared an Unusual Mortality Event (UME).


UME?...welp, I dunno about the one besetting humanity currently either...


Note:  ^ is for Artemis...the comment sections under youtube newsy vlogs are often one way streets...listening to the Trumpian Vloggers, I get miffed...go off...and go the wrong way, above an example..."lily pads" is a modern miltary concept...somewhat derived from Operation Gladio...fearfull during the Cold War of the Soviets over running Europe, NATO positioned secretly military outposts, lily pads, that would rise up behind the advancing Soviets...somewhat like this were the early Haitian what were called "maroons", the rebels hid out in the hills, biding their time for the pusch...somewhat like them was John Brown's minions...needing weapons, they attacked the armory at Harper's Ferry...long story, the American Civil War-still on, Trumpians are shouting the left, antifa, has planted their lily pads/maroons all over America...a counter thought is the militarization of police, now armed with miltary gear, and soldier tactical SWAT training, has made police departments lily pads, forefront of the Trumpian the Constitution, there is law against private armies, private militias...groups like Oath Keepers somehow dodge this...motorcycle gangs, street gangs, ignore it...a tell, a reveal, in the youtube comments was the trolls going on about the Hell's Angels going to Seattle on the 4th of July to oust the protestors in the
autonomous zone...the zone itself an overt lily pad...the Trumpian refrain of late is autonomous zones will become endemic, spread to other cities...and the UN, United Nations will sanction them, to the point of military protections...hence 'Balkanizing" America...allied to this, the Trumpians say, is the new UN notion of Strong Cities...


Launched at the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015, ISD's Strong Cities Network (SCN) is the first ever global network of mayors, policy-makers, and practitioners, united in building social cohesion and community resilience to counter violent extremism in all its forms.


as a UN endeavor, they see it as a leftist menace, though, actually, it looks a lot like their endeavor.!!!...a wonder...Strong Cites looks to be an outgrowth of Sister Cities...and, and here go to the beginning of the comment, and it should make better sense...all this is beyond the average Hobbit, beyond me...not in my aquarium, I say, but aquarium glass walls can be see through...remembering beginning of movie Finding Nemo here...


Watch "Finding Nemo Dentist Scene DVDRIP" on YouTube




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