Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Don't Look Back

Scientists And Engineers

Last comment, over at Farmer Jones yt vlog, I went on about advocates, and "lawyer"- a synonym word, and "motive" too, as in one's motivation,  all determined by an advocate's client...hmmph..."advocate" nudged "avocation" into my noggin, and Robert Frost's famous quote:

“My goal in life is to unite my avocation with my vocation,
As my two eyes make one in sight.”
― Robert Frost

which I had to look memory, such as it is, just provides snippets, and I have to look things up for context, source...snippets as in idioms?...brb...😃...

noun:   an expression whose meanings cannot be inferred from the meanings of the words that make it up memory a collection of idioms, snatches of melody, a few bars to hum of whole songs I've heard...actually, the whole songs are in my noggin, everything I've ever experienced, complete and whole, and then some, the whole atmosphere of dreams and daydreams-mine, everyones'...the internet a perfect analog to navigate the net are log lines, the snippits, not much more than idioms...example: "idiom" search: frost avocation...brb...yep...his poem Two Tramps In Mudtime appears...a vignette of a fellow chopping wood, and two lumberjacks show up, poke some fun at his amateurishness at handling an ax, and impress they'd like to take over the task for pay, times being hard, hence "Tramps" and "Mudtime"...poems are idiomatic thru and thru, and one hopes a poet knows what they are about, or a poem is just idiotic!...😯, soh, the two tramps, lumberjacks, from a lumbercamp, appear, and, and, poetically, idiomatically, they are what I've come to call "angels"...for Frost, if the poem after real event, which is likely, they may have been angels, leastwise he would note from my note, that they are like the two angels that appeared to Lot, in Genesis, in the Bible- the famous story of Sodom and Gomorah, a "mud time" to be from the poem I went to Lot's story...some more study, and I noted "pillar of salt"...that's an idiom, now, but was it then too!?...captioneers have it Lots wife literally turned into a pillar of salt for disobeying Lot and looking back at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah...but maybe back then, "pillar of salt" was a figure of speech, an idiom, and the Bible author wrote/ spoke it to an audience familiar with the phrase...I dunno...a pillar of salt ancient idiom...


"Lot's wife looked back [from behind him], and she thereupon turned into a pillar of salt." In Genesis Rabbah R. Isaac said: "She sinned through salt. On the night that the angels visited Lot, Lot said to his wife, 'Give these guests a bit of salt.' But she replied, '[Besides entertaining guests], is it your wish to introduce into Sodom another vile custom [that of seasoning their food]?' What did she do? She went around among all her neighbors, saying to each one, 'Give me salt. We have guests,' intending thereby to have the townspeople become aware of the presence of guests in her home [and penalize Lot for it]. Hence, she herself became a pillar of salt."

unquote, "pillar of salt" is a hark, it harks back, kinda like a punch line in a odd...Frost's famous quote pertains to his love of poetry, his avocation, and the desire that his vocation have the same enthusiasm-"two eyes see as one"...that's his "punchline"...envoy in poetry terms, I think...brb...

noun:   a brief stanza concluding certain forms of poetry

"hark" a curious word..."listen up"...say that myself often..."hark the herald angels sing" is like "idiom" charged...way beyond beyond me...😮...anyway, my comments have envoys, idioms...bits of this bits of that, puns, jokes, alliusions...this from yesterday: looking about, will I find Kroll dovetails with #unrig?...I hesitate to look, but the twittering ghosts at my yt algo feed bowl are murmuring such...such is Hades

lemme unpack that a bit!...Kroll is said to be a company that hires ex FBI/CIA agents...#unrig is an endeavor headed up by Robert David Steele, who is an ex CIA agent, who vlogs on yt, along with other self similar vloggers, a loose confederacy/syndicate...CIA spys, idiomatically known as "spooks", apparations cloaked in secrecy...ghosts...and, and I've coined "my youtube algorithm feed bowl" algo feed bowl...this my "feed"  of  "recommended for you" vlog clips...we get profiled, what we like to watch, and youtube robot algos present clips they think we'll like...or what they want us to like...I dunno...what is youtube's advocacy? best interests their "client"?...I give the bots that, and the bot's engineers, and move MK notes, Scientists and Engineers are different breeds!...judgement in the wind about youtube Scientists/Science!...😄...where was I?...oh..."twittering ghosts at my yt algo feed bowl"..."such is Hades"...this alludes, harks back, to the Odyssey- Odysseus in Hell/Hades fashions a trench in the Earth, fills it with blood from sacrificed animals, and the dead, incoporeal ghosts now, come to drink...Odysseus has power over who can drink and who can't, who will be heard, who not, by letting a ghost drink...this scene has much...too much..."more" I call such...but, but I've gone on too long for a, soh, an exit:  "Don't look back.", Lot's admonishment to his wife-Hade's council to Orpheus.


Notes: Housatonic today on youtube streamed, and made a distinction between Engineers and Scientists....Engineers down to earth practical, Scientists heads in the clouds dreamers...too, Mark Kulack encouaged viewers to study, closely, both sides of things...I hadn't intended the comment for anywhere in particular, but there as good as anywhere!..."Dont look back", like, "dont look down", a really really old thing...track runners never look back reaching for finish lines, and tip towing on high places one doesnt look down least one lose one's balance...fear is like that, you want to put it out of mind...dont become a "deer in the headlights"..."Dont look back, something may be gaining on you!"-Satchel Page...



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