Saturday, July 18, 2020

Protest Poetry Is For Kids

Watch "07/18/20  Late update! Protesting properly!" on YouTube

15:30 summary of insurgency

Protest Poetry Is For Kids

So, soh, I roll out to get Maya, my dog, food at PetsMart, cats too, at Brookhurst and Chapman, and on the way back make a right on Euclid, a divert to Starbucks at GG Blvd. and Euclid, and, and about at Lampson, traffic backed up behind a protest march...small group...a Police cordon at Stanford , a dozen or so with the black helmets, face shields, two with rubber bullet rifles?...wot?...the march went on by the Police to where I was going, Starbuck's intersection, and halted...traffic in tow too, and I had a long opportunity  at Stanford intersection,  which is road to High School, Library, City Hall, Park, Police Department, stuck in the traffic there with the Police, to ponder and wonder...had I joined the march?...I could have turned around...'curiosity might be trouble with this cat!', my thought, as I thought to observe the outplay...but, but cars in front of me wanted to turn around, so I backed up, no cars behind me, to let them make u-turn, as I did, and rolled home...and thereabout hopped on my bicycle to go back, with my new helmet with slot for gopro camera...a somtime to continue the Cement River posts, even make a vlog with the gopro...the helmet is all black, looks just like the Police's, and my black T-shirt I shorts...a pause!...but I rolled off, and on the way two high school kids with placards coming back? in the other direction...and, my legs already weak, I havent ridden in long time...and I saw them wearing masks...and I forgot my neck gaiter, which is all black...and I rolled back home, had a snack and nap...such is the venue of old folk...out of place I would have been to weigh in...hmmph...same sense of things I have now going to open mic poetry readings...protest poetry is for kids...oh...maybe Starbucks clear now, sun having set...brb...bk...Starbucks normal as can be...grande hot mocha and sausage cheese sandwich in the driveway, NPR going on about schools not opening...and I ponder and wonder about all those kids...


Notes: Farmer Jones, like John Olaughlin, are retired lawyers with vlogs-Farmer Jones; McDuff...and both are all over the map with their musings...and advocates for Trump...see the insurgency bit in clip...simply put, they have it Trump has been beset by an insurgency since elected, and by extension, the whole country at large...a whole raft of vloggers, like seaweed in a whirlpool, go on about such...George Webb goes on about "meta data"...his background is computer technology...and from the meta data these vloggers present arguments delineating the's just like in the tv dramas where the lawyers do all they can to advocate for their client...things get empasized, things get de-empasized, to get their client favorable treatment...weird thing is, the meta data, the raw news out there, indicates there may well be an insurgency out there of some sort...and the meta data can be worked to indicate Trump and the Trumpians are an insurgency...THE insurgency...I find this so...but, but I'm not a lawyer, so haven't that cache....the boogeymen the Trumpians descibe, are in fact the Trumpians...I've dredged through history for years, and can lay out how this is so, but there again, I'm not a professional things are at loggerheads...brb...need word meanings for that...bk...


RhymeZone: Loggerheads definitions

Both of them are at loggerheads and bicker constantly.
—Thiruda Thirudi




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