Thursday, November 12, 2020

DreameDolphins:OTI::pic,seven poems,notes:::11/12/20

 Open To Interpretation


Synchronistical ominisities
Synonomously simultaneous
Intoxicating anonynimities
Perpetuating hippopotomous'

Crocodilian claustrophobias;
Monstroniceties improbability:
Conspiratorous commentarius,
Vlogasaureus promptatality.

Oh, the animosity vloggers go
Above and below, wherever a show,
Trailing fans a twitter, an evenglow,
Before the prophecy of one Hippo.

Project Narcissus mirror mirror
Reflections: Echo's echo long horror.


Oh, death feeds us, the benthic undercrust,
Corpses slow rain from the luminous zone;
Whales, sharks, sword fish, sun fish, when in rest,
Sink down to be devoured to the last bone.


I'm hanging on the walls, y'know,
Here and there, nails suspended,
My down gaze at your up gaze.


Psycological manipulating
Extraordinare innebriations
Tourbullions intoxicating
Neurolinguistic programmatations.

Psychedelica's fantasticalli
Imenagerie beasteariclings:
Jamesjoysounourous wordcoinmintadae
Aroundaboutus timedatathings.

Can one ever stop the swirling high kites?
Dizzines comes and goes with the moon's glow.
That black audience behind the footlights
Laughs and weeps, terrorized by the dumb show.

What can be found from the sea wrack wreakage
But what the wave's curled, held, for an age?.

Laugh And Dance

I'll dance when I can,
And laugh when I can't....

Dust Ups

I'm on the Moon,
What can you expect of me?
It isn't like there's a hell of a lot to see and do;
I take the Mind Detector out,
And it sounds the alarm,
A Mind below the dust,
And the Hounds hurry out,
And dig it up,
Take care of it-
Out of my hands.
A few a day,
If I'm lucky,
Otherwise it's a long Moonday of nothing
But stirring up dust.
Not that the scenery before was much,
The stars, craters, mountains,
Sometimes the Blue Earth.
Now, just clouds of dust.
Who knew?
The Mormons were right
With their "well of souls",
Millions, billions to dig up,
Each saved like a truffle in the Moon dust.


Oh, after a fashion,
I'm abrim with second hand Hollywood Sins,
Rock and Roll and all,
Though not so far as Las Vegas-
Nocturnes enough nearby...
But, y'know, second hand sins
Dont cut it with St. Peters,
Enough of those in their own overflow.


Notes: the Dolphins are from a dream...I have recurring art class assignments are late, I've missed too many classes...this one, I had a bunch of ink drawings, Dolphins one on top, and the instuctor asked me if I had my "notes"..."Sure!"...on time for once, and they were like rolled up small carpet, and I put them with everyone elses...and, and I woke up...Monsters and Menagerie grew out of the friction commenting to the youtube Confederacy vlogs...I have a ton of such comments, but since the election, I've left off commenting, or even looking at those vlogs...a sudden, those vloggers have lost their sense of menace, their champion unhorsed, or some such....I dunno...the words in the first two stanzas are five syllables each...the third stanza comes back to reality, sorta...and then the envoy...they're Sonnets...a rebel alliance of Sonneteers the conceit...Dust Ups is remarkable...I learned of the Well of Souls from my Mormon friends....I can't wrap my thoughts around their concepts!...a quibble is how many souls are there!?...Angels on the head of a pin kinda thing...Ray Bradbury story had it deceased book author's ghosts/souls resided on Mars, until their books were no longer read...I moved the whole lot, everybody, to the Moon!...the others are incidentals, kinda beginning things...doing the plein airs in September, the inks in October, like used a different part of my brain, similar to writing, but so different from writing that not much occured to me to write/note, save the vloggers on and ons! the Sonnets, it came to me, doing the odd italisized words, and others, what James Joyce may have been up to in his book, Finnigans Wake...I think I have one more five syllable one, but the clutter on my note memo pad hard to search, and I dont recall where this and that is!



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