Open To Interpretation
Chincha Balance Beam
Mayan Merchant with Pack
Mayan Colors for Compass Directions
Balance-Beam Scale, Chimu-Inca, 1470-1540 CE.
Credit: © Dumbarton Oaks, Pre-Columbian Collection, Washington, DC
Weighing Balance, Lambayeque, 900-1100 CE.
Credit: © Dumbarton Oaks, Pre-Columbian Collection, Washington, DC
Pic 9: God L with merchant’s pack and cacao tree. Mural detail. Late Classic period. Red Temple, Cacaxtla, Mexico; drawing by Simon Martin (Click on image to enlarge)
Pic 3: Pages 75-76 of the Madrid Codex, showing the 260-day ritual/divinatory calendar (Click on image to enlarge)
Man Ik, Chuen, Men, Cauac, Akbal.
The 20 days of the uinal are grouped in the border around the central scene on pages 75-76 of the Madrid Codex (see pic 3).
It is assumed, incidentally, since there are 18 of them, that the bold ‘L’ shaped ‘footprint’ items represent the 18 x 20-day months that, together with 5 ‘nameless’ days at the end, make up the 365-day haab’ solar calendar of the Maya.
The 20 days of the uinal are grouped in the border around the central scene on pages 75-76 of the Madrid Codex (see pic 3).
It is assumed, incidentally, since there are 18 of them, that the bold ‘L’ shaped ‘footprint’ items represent the 18 x 20-day months that, together with 5 ‘nameless’ days at the end, make up the 365-day haab’ solar calendar of the Maya.
Notes: listened to Angels at Detroit,,,dozed off in third, awoke in seventh to Ohtani holding a 2-1 lead, and, and then he waps #40 home run...the sports pundits are ecstatic,but you know, this is what young players through like high school do all the time-pitch hit...Ohtani is a "pan" as in Peter Pan...he has just never grown up!...thank goodness for the NeverNever Land of baseball!...from previous post: the Chincha balance beams do indeed look to be scales...for Cacao leaves?....I dunno...was working on a post to connect them with astronomy...and the Maya Cermonial Bar...for sometime, soon...the little cartoon story is a marvel...note all the step frets!...note the step frets, steps, on the Merchant (Quitzelcoatle?)...and, and note the middle step fret in the Calendar...and the Ls...these Ls like abreviated quarter chacana/steps...before, back in the potes, I noted the quarter steps represent months, days, something-a measure of time (Trutman covers this)...the Egyptian Merkhet, used, it's said, to measure time, has like features of the balance beam, or some such...correspondences can be dug up by looking at the 'weights and measures" of the ancients...still digging for New World astronomy/time tools/instruments...correspondences can be dug up just looking at the Natural World's motifs, and how people mythologized them...North American Indians all the time making up stories about faces and figures seen in mountains, rock outcroppings...big long post in works about that too!...too much...Angels 3-1...put a halo over that one!...stuck in a font without a comma!
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