Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Hotel LagunaOTI::pics,notes:::5/17/2023

Open To Interpretation

Laguna Hotel Painting

Sandpiper Inn, Corona del Mar

Oh, the Old Greek, who managed the place,
Who in childhood experienced the German camps, 
Hired the loveliest girls to work the front desk...
A porter, I was there to be near the sea,
But incidentally took note of the girls'
Tales of nightclubbing in Laguna, Hotel Laguna,
And wished they'd take me along. 


Notes:...Game On...on the radio...Trout ties it up with a home run...Angels 1, Orioles of fourth...Ohtani up...rolled out to Goodwill, and back with a treasure!...can't discern artists name, but he or she knew their stuff!...very unusual for an original piece to make it to the Goodwill sale...when I first saw it, I though  it a bit of a mess...but it sinks in...oh, my thought, that's the Laguna Hotel!...just with that it was a purchase-ten's painted with one strokes and dabs and touches...that alone a marvel, more so is the lights and darks, the chiroscuro...not many artists understand lights and darks, something acquired by study of the Old Masters...bottom of dim light, it looks great, very night light time...a trick to make a painting 'read' in dim light...and one is lured in to see the details, and there are vignettes, paintings within the painting, to looks "film noir", mysterious-artist an illustrator?...eventually I'll find out'd my poem go? scoring...Angels 1, Orioles 3...oh, I have to go out in the garage...shelves to with new roof, safe to store art out there...a project, house is all a clutter with art I've collected from Goodwill and art materials...bbk with game report...



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