Out and about late...same time as yesterday!....started out to the Creek, but tourists about, so diverted where I thought to go anyway, to Two Top Pine Meadow, and look for Ducks and such....looksee at Ozone Beach...Merced went down a lot....Sandpipers about, and Mallard flyby...at the Meadow, began to sprinkle a bit, sat under a Pine awhile, then out past the Broken Cottonwood...Bluebirds...pic...and Violet Green Swallow flyby...no where to sit..Ponds...so found a seat out in the Meadow on the Burnt Log....set up the digi...Mallard Pair across the Pond thereabout...actually, a kinda Oxbow that begins at the River and winds around Two Top Pine ...Male Mallard on the lookout, Female browsing in the Green Grasses...sat and waitedwaited awhile...now and then Mallard flyovers...missed pics in bright sunlight...but on review of the Mallard flight sequence I took--very cool!....picked up, and made the Outside Loop....Stream by the Boardwalk back in its Channel....scenic walk...but quiet...Yellow Warblers in the Apple Tree by the Woodpecker Tree...pics...caught the Shuttle at Sentinel Bridge...thought dinner in Siberia...bult long line outside the doorway...pizza deck too...and Shuttled back to Last Chance...cloudy sprinkles clearing broken clouds and splashes of sunlight....Three Bucks and a Doe in Stoneman Meadow yesterday....Does and Fawns at Ozone today...pics...oh....scattered Deer in A Meadow--
and some practical instruction:
To wash a bird that is already highly stressed and not medically stable could mean death. Many oiled bird's die because well-meaning people, anxious to get oil off the bird, wash it immediately, resulting in death from stress. It is actually more important to give oiled birds the much needed nutrition, hydration and medical treatment they need before they are washed.
Once stable, oiled birds go through a series of tub washes alternating between baths with a one percent solution of Dawn dish washing liquid and clean water. The wash time varies depending on the amount of oil, and the size of the bird, but on average it takes two people 45 minutes and 300 gallons of water to do a thorough washing.
1 comment:
love your photos - have heard the tourons are out in a HUGE way.
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