Saturday, July 31, 2021


Open To Interpretation

Kehker Frieze

Egyptian Frieze


This is a decorative way of topping walls and depicts bundled reed mats, tied and daubed with mud and paint. It later served as a decorative element used in a frieze at the top of decorated tomb and temple walls.

end quote

Notes: the top frieze is the Kehker Frieze, the second, the Egyptian Frieze (so called by osirisnet), the third is stars, usually associated with Maat and Hathor?...and usually covering ceilings...and that last one looks like the desert motif...much browsing trying to pin down the Egyptian's everywhere on everything...and at one time I read what it's four colors, red, green/tourquise, yellow, blue, I think might represent the four directions of the compass...all the ancients seem to have assigned colors to the directions...and I think that relates to the colors of the Sons of Horus (for sometime), but I dunno...what draws one in to noting ancient motifs is their mystery...and what I'm finding, that as I learn them, there is less and less mystery!...there's a lot of flattery in them, the motifs and the hieroglyphs...praise and noble epithets...some of the authors say as much...see old book, Manual of Ancient Egypt, at Gutenberg web page...Angels won today, after dropping two close ones to the Athletics...Angels 1-0...Ohtani doubled, drove in the one the three games, he's had like just three hits, and some walks...and that's the same for the whole lineup!...not much doing...put a halo over this one...back to more browsing!



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