Monday, February 15, 2021

UnpluggedInTexas:OTI::pic, notes:::2/15/21

Open To Interpretation

Camping Stove

Notes:  just two outs today...morning to Micky D's...#7 burritos, coffee, cinnamon role...evening to Micky D' nuggets and coca cola...too, groceries from the corner market...I drew the stove in pencil on the watercolor paper, thinking to ink brush it, but then noted I'd drawn on the side I painted...that notion being if one side is stiffened by the paint, it will keep the paper from wrinkling on the other side when doing wet in wet watercolor, or ink brush...there is an idea of substance in this paper stretching notion, but I have to fiddle with it is, the white acrylic painted side really scanned nice in the scanner!...scanner is shot...scratches in the glass that I'm always touching up in Photoshop may be noted, I'm all over the map with things, as per usual...hopefully things will come together, as they do in the progress of making a painting, and make sense, someday...there's absolutely no sense in fussing about the rules of the social media platforms, anymore than it is arguing with an AAT tech, if you can get past the robot voice queries...apparently, justice has a different sets of rules for different strata of society...finished Chapter 2 of Bleak House, and in Chapter 3 the narration comes from one of the characters...Dicken's narration had words, uncommon it's like fourth grade reader...hmmph...relatives freezing in Texas...



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