Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ground Squirrel Boulder

Paddled back to the Creek...Fig Tree is blooming...and another...Peach?...water level up in the Creek...went out to Creek's End to check...walked it's length to the Road...and checked the root of the Ponderosa that fell...the hole is full of water...a Fir fell too...but that hole was dry...the holes where they were standing, I mean!...the Pines haven't very deep roots systems...crossed the Road and walked about the Delta...then over to the Rocky was hot...and not much energy in my footsteps!....went as far as the Tree and Boulder...which I'll call henceforth: Ground Squirrel Boulder!....resorted to interesting trick to get pic and clip...didn't take the tripod...just the clip and pic are handheld...and I wanted to get closer after the first bit...and snuck over to the Boulder and approached from behind the Tree...Ground Squirrel was still there when I peaked, but looked I stayed out of sight..and just poked the camera out and use the lcd screen folded out...and that worked really well!...good trick! was sunny and of Bobcat chasing Merced College! and clips of Two Does by the Cement Block in the Backyard...shooed away a bicycler off the pavement...they rode right up to the Deer...rude!!...tried for some pics of little birds...but all blurry...Blue Jay too...should have geared up with the tripod!...but it was hot!!

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