Took the Path over to Two Top Pine Meadow...two male Mergansers at Ozone Beach...clip...almost clip of them flying when kayakers came by...and friend in raft too, who shouted out hello!...shouted back...'I want to borrow that raft!'....do need to get a floatable!....sat awhile at the Cement Blocks just before Swinging Bridge....think they were foundation for old bridge...and thought tonight to lookabout for a pic of Swinging Bridge!....on the way back, sighted Merganser pair across from Ozone...pic and clip...kinda neat the way they were napping on a log...for sometime...now..tonight's pics and clips were from the walkabout the day before yesterday...a brief recollection: to the Post Office...picked up lunch..vegi sandwich, hershy, gator aid...out to the A Rooms and the trail there below the Arches...been meaning to find the 'Devil's Punch Bowl'...so up I went at the stream coming down from the Arches...quickly discovered I was going the right way...folk coming down...it's kinda neat, but not what I expected...I thought there was a kinda swimming hole...had lunch, took some scenics..for sometime...going down, a group of like fifteen were going up, with a friendly dog..clip...felt sympathy for the lone sunbather back at the Bowl!...continued out to Indian Caves...and cut across and back to the Pony Path...second lunch by the Moraine....was almost to Happy Isles, and glimpsed the Mergansers...it has been great luck to see them twice in this stretch of the Merced!...and they swam by close twice, up and back, up and back, so I was able to get a pic and a clip!...very neat...they flew off back down the Merced..I keep just missing getting clip of their flight!!...and I followed...continue along the Merced through the Camps...and back along the A Meadow I got a good clip and pic of Mallards...for sometime...water pooled now in all the Meadows....went to Bobcat Meadow...and Chapel Meadow for the Owl pics and clips...then in the Dusk on the Path by Two Top, a small herd of Deer were about, and I got a good clip with a charming narration...for sometime!...it was a hot day, but got some good clips and pics, and of course the Baby Owls....it wasn't quite so hot today...and I'm catching up on my sleep!...though I feel a bit remiss snoozing in the morning when the sun is up!....there are some other incidental pics and clips from both days...a female Redwing...I think...which is very pretty...lots of Squirrels...and scenics...for sometimesometime!!....oh!!...here's a link to a photog's site that has the 2007 Owls....if I have it right, the Baby from 2007 is the Owl I heard screeching...clips...in that Fall...and the Parents I think are the Owls that live in Owl Woods...and the current Baby Owls are from these Parents...the 2007 Owls had a horrific experience...the Oak they were in broke off right at the Bowl they had their nest in...I dont know the whole story...and there are many, as this Oak is right in the Oak Grove by Lower Falls...some of it is at this photog's site...I've tried to email to get pics...but no response...Tom and Theresa have a pic of one of the 2007 Owls too...I was wondering when the Baby Owls will begin flying...likely, by comparison, next month this time...oh...that's a long time to avoid ruckus makers by the Merced!!
link: http://www.magicallightphotography.com/gallery/v/Wildlife/
Photog has a pic of Coop, mislabeled, and Appletree Bobcat, too!...Bobcat pic is very fine!!
no luck finding pic of old Swinging Bridge...
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