Saturday, March 20, 2021


Open To Interpretation

Fossil Monolith 

(after Ansel Adam's "Monolith")

Notes:  Edgar Payne in his instruction list of possible compositions, call this one "tunnel"...I've been collecting different 'tunnels'  from artists...a post for sometime...anyway...this morning rolled out to ump my first softball game of the season...and of course there was a quarrel about distancing and masking and keeping the ball sanitized...I was doing the bases, so stayed distant! weren't allowed behind home plate, balls couldn't be touched by non field players (making foul balls almost irretrievable!) the field, players could go unmasked, but in the dugout, masked...and in the dugout, the new three foot rule...breakfast burrito, orange juice, coffee from morning MKYD's...evening, breakfast sandwich, #21, from Jack in the Box...sketched in the evening...napped all afternoon, grateful to get the first game in!...the ramp up has been exhausting, going back to last March, and the shutdown beginning!



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