Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Jumping Fish

Took a Day off, gathered the gear, and rolled out towards Irvine Park, which is in Foothills just beyond Orange...thereabout, Chapman crosses Jamboree, and I had in mind directions to Sea and Sage Audubon Duck House in Irvine--San Joaquin Reserve, and diverted, with thought to save Irvine Park for a later Bicycle visit!...and it took awhile to locate Sea and Sage, which I couldn't reach because of road work...did walkabout very briefly the Reserve, which is Land around Water Recycling Plant, I think...quiet, and thought to continue to Newport Back Bay...see pics up...there is a Visitor Center there too, I think, near the YMCA, where I used to go to swim and jog, but road work blocked easy access...I was going to make this stop on way back from Balboa Pier, as far as I journeyed...sighted Whale Spout next to Whale Watch Boat from Pier's End, but no luck for Spout pic...took Ferry to Balboa Island, snacked, good hotdogs right there where Ferry docks...often visited with my Dog, Australian Shepard Mix, Bunny, for walkabout...miss Bunny, full name Bunny Foo Foo...named after the little song, which I found charming...

Little bunny Foo Foo
Went hopping through the forest
Scooping up the field mice
And bashing them on the head
Down came the Good Fairy, and she said
"Little bunny Foo Foo
I don't want to see you
Scooping up the field mice
And bashing them on the head." etc.

Tenants have a with my own Backyard, I  have thought to get Dog, maybe Chinese Foo Dog...or another Australian Shepard...Dogs are big and poop and visits to the vet, and that dread of  fast passing dog years...but my being at 65,  New Dog and I would be even-steven!...Bunny loved to chase Rabbits...

It's taking a good while just to get around background of Fish pics is Three Story Apartment Complex, and it's new, and new complexes are everywhere, and many are four and five story, which is giving a very different look and feel to Town--cityish...Newport and Balboa haven't changed, thankfully, and where I can still go for walkabouts...but everywhere much traffic and parked cars, even by GG House--Streets all lined with Cars at Night...

Turret Shells in the Bay Shore pic...Egrets and Seabirds I've yet to become familiar with on the far side of the Bay where I sat a long while trying to get pics of  Jumping Fish, which were lots!...

Here's blog I found last Night with much of Local Wildlife:

It is the silvery mullet that is frequently seen jumping from the water into the air.
end quote

Jumping Fish looked a bit bigger than Mullet, which I haven't seen, but web says Mullet are twelve inches...and Fish I watched were dark on top, white beneath....

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