Friday, July 5, 2013

Salinas River Wildlife Reserve

The rental office for the apts. of interest wont be open until the eleventh.  Agents gone fishing I guess.

Tow truck driver yesterday gave me heads up that there's wildlife to see, and good fishing, where the Salinas River meets the ocean.  Hadn't planed to go there, but on Del Monte Road, where the apt. complex was, there were more complexes, one after another until ending at open fields, pastures, where I sighted Hawk soaring.  Knocked on rental office at last complex, a wan hope, as sign there said closed for holidays too, but a stirring inside, and eventual unlocking of door, and I met the rental agent.  'I'd like one on the end row, overlooking the fields."  "Oh, the nature available maybe in August."  Agent too busy today, but come back Monday with application filled in, he offered.  He took an interest in that I related that I take Critter pics..."Eagles, Hawks, Skunks, ... come around."

Would be cool to sit out on the little patio and see Hawk.  But rent isn't in my modest range, and I thought of this much at Taco Bell.  After soft tacos, rolled back to the field and parked awhile.   The fogs and overcasts hereabout in the Summer make it a kinda Winter!  And the apt. complexes are modest,  out of sorts with the rents, which, actually, compared with Southern California near beach rentals, are cheap. Anyway, I rolled out along the fields on Del Monte, Hwy 1 in the distance on the left.  I think this is some of the Ft. Ord property that is in dispute at moment, weather to develop or restore to Nature.  Vote is coming up, I took note of last visit.  And I continued until Del Monte ended at dirt and agriculture field, and there was sign announcing Salinas River Wildlife Reserve ahead one half mile on dirt road.  Walked about to the River edge, which was a Lagoon I guess.  A very large area, and critters too far away. 

First thing in the morning, I walked over to garage near Micky Dees, and after breakfast, talked to mechanic.  "I'll call you."  Then about, I walked over to the apts. and discovered the delay to the eleventh.  And with that puzzle, went back to the motel room, and sorta napped.  Finally, the call, and another walk to the garage..."give it a test drive, changed the sensor but not sure", so, off I rolled to Monterey thinking to find auto club office to change addresses.  Silver okay, until I reached backed up traffic, and stopped, and stalled.  Everyone going slow, so no distress, and got Silver going again.   Traffic  really slow, so u turned, and made it back to garage..."stalled it once, but the trouble light is on now"  Mechanic hadn't had this to go on, so plugged in computer sensor, and got read out for air intake valve.  "Yes", I said, "that's what the Valley garage said too to check."  Mechanic looked it over, "it's expensive to replace"...."yes, I know"...."I'll try cleaning"....And he undid the connecting hose, sprayed cleaner in the opening, and immediately Silver began to idle smoother.   And with trepidation I rolled off with much thanks to apt. hunt, and visit Moss Landing Sea Otters, which were right at home.  Pics and clips for sometime!

Coolest thing of the day was able to watch over the mechanics shoulder, and have conversation!  Impossible to happen at dealer's garage...

Web surf a bit now, maybe craigs list and such....:)



Jeannette said...

Just an idea...Another neighborhood...a bit up the road..but maybe inexpensive and very treelined... search on Boulder Creek.

DavidDavid said...

If the managers had been about, instead of on holiday, I would be in Marina. I like it there! But on arriving in Garden Grove, I find that the husband has left, and the kid's not contributing, and the rent has been being paid by mom, who has modest job. I feel remiss...I didn't know this, and good thing now for me to be in house. I cut rent in half, and would have made it nothing, but there's a sense of honor and decorum that my tenant wants to meet. And she likes house so much, and understandable having lived there for almost twenty years. It needs painting and repairs, lots to do, so I have something to be busy with. Always a bit worried that I would get Yosemite diletentitis, and I have been brought back to sea level! But I have free time now to visit Marina and Monterey, and many places.

Katie (Nature ID) said...

Had to read through several posts to catch up with your going ons, David. I'm sorry I wasn't up on my blog reading (still getting used to not having Google Reader), because I'm sure we could have found you a warm bed in the Monterey area. So, are firmly anchored in GG now? Have you missed Yosemite? Oh my, what a lot of changes, and per your usual, it seems you're rolling along just fine. Best wishes!

DavidDavid said...

I...I was a little desperate there for a bit, and thought to knock on a few doors! But I've always had a fallback here in GG with the family house, and I seem to have landed upright. I've decorated my room with my enlarged pics, just like my cabin's interior was, along with my bunk and computer work station the same, and most importantly my books, and of course the dishevelment has followed me, so, I've brought a bit of Tree in the Door and the Valley with me, and have in mind to plant an Incense Cedar in the Front Yard!

