Thursday, July 18, 2013

Reason for leaving...

Note:  Sorting things, and trying to write things out, is what any creative writer goes through, and one looks for the right words, and maybe sometimes in an unexpected way, things go down on paper, or the aether as it were nowadays!, and so it has happened in a couple personal emails to friends about matters.  One I've posted, and here is second.  And I think that will be enough by way of explanation, if only to myself , and friends reading my blog and coming from facebook link. 

Hi J.,
I'll tell the tale when next I visit you and D.  Oddly, both you and W. are minor characters in the drama...I was talking to W. one day, helping her come inside with tray, and manager came up behind, talking to back of my head, telling me there were tables to clear....I almost just put things down and walked home.  And much the same thing happened that last afternoon when I saw you at the foodcourt, I got into it with my manager you spoke to,  and the one over them, and I did walk out of a meeting about why tables weren't clear, which was the beginning of the dust up, and ended two weeks later when I walked out of meeting with union rep and same managers over same matter.  It got ugly, D. will laugh to here! 

So glad to hear W. is about, and of your hikes and Bald Eagle Sighting over Cathedral Peak!

Much to do hereabout, painting and gardening and removal of a lot stuff one tenant gathered.  

My blog continues, so have a looksee sometimes.  I'll have new stuff from SoCal, but there's a lot of Yosemite stuff I never  posted, and lots I wanted to expand and polish, and that will be posted too now and then.
I didn't really get to say so long to anyone, just my cabin neighbors when I was packing, but maybe that was best, sorta like leaving a room just like it is expecting to be back.   If in the Valley, tell any mutual friends I'm fine. 

And any pics and tales you might have that I can post to the blog, send them along!

See you,


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